Implemented Api for scoring player.
Project setup for development and testing purposes.
Ruby version
- Ruby-3.0.1
Rails vesrion
- Rails-6.1.3
Testing framework
- RSpec
Api Documentation
A step by step setup development env running.
- Clone this repository
$ git clone
- Install a compatible version of PostgreSQL
$ cd top_score_ranking
- Initialize a new gemset (if using RVM) then install bundler
$ gem install bundler
- Install the application dependencies
$ bundle install
PostgreSQL used as database for this application.
Make sure PostgreSQL is installed in your machine and you have setup the
file correctly
- Database creation
$ bundle exec rails db:create
- Tables migration and preparing for tests
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
$ bundle exec rails db:test:prepare
- check the db/schema.rb after migration completed successfully
Test cases written using RSpec
Run test cases using this command
$ bundle exec rspec
All the tests should be GREEN to pass all test cases
- Starting application
Make sure you are in the application folder and already installed application dependencies
$ rails s
- Check the application on browser, open the any browser of your choice and hit the following in the browser url http://localhost:3000/
You can generate the existing endpoints documentation by running:
$ rake docs:generate_api
This will generate the api documentation on the doc/api
Here you can find the markdown version and the html version. You can see the html version running:
$ open doc/api/index.html
These tests are generated using the rspec-api-documentation gem. So when you write new api requests tests
, you have to use the rspec-api-documentation DSL.
Feel free to check the current tests, take a look at the documentation or ask someone if you have any question about it.
APIs documentation with Postman
- Vishal Sabhaya - GitHub profile