is an E-Commerce website, where could buy a varities of clothes of different category. This is the Clone of which was given by Masai school during the unit-3 curriculm. We are 5 members in the project team Kalyani, Magendram, Mohit, Saurav, Ankit, and Ashish. We hae taken the challenge to complete the project in 4days and successfully completed in in a deadline time..
HTML CSS JS DOM LocalStorage
Font awesome Google fonts Google Icons Flaticon
Responsiveness in landing page Implemented search functionalities in landing page Added Signup and Login functionalities/validations Sorting functionality according to Price Filter product according to our category Functionality to add a product to wishlist and cart Functionality to make a payment Added booking success display functionality Implemented all the above said functionalities using LocalStorage, and enhanced dynamic flow of all data
HTML CSS JS DOM LocalStorage
- Mohd Shaban Khan
- Soumya Ranjan Mahunta
- Vishwajeet Singh