This project involves the implementation and analysis of B+ Trees, a widely-used data structure in computer science and database management systems. B+ Trees are optimized for database indexing, search, and retrieval operations. Our project explores the core concepts, design, and performance characteristics of B+ Trees, including insertion, deletion, search operations, and bulk loading techniques.
- Vismay Walde (2022MCB1283)
- Shivam Zample (2022MCB1280)
- Tejas Wagh (2022CSB1144)
Instructor: Dr. Anil Shukla
Teaching Assistant: E Harshith Kumar Yadav
- B+ Tree Implementation: Includes core operations like insertion, deletion, and search.
- Performance Analysis: Evaluates time complexity and compares B+ Trees with B-Trees.
- Bulk Loading: Demonstrates efficient bulk loading techniques for B+ Trees.
B+ Trees are a balanced multi-way tree data structure used extensively in database systems to optimize search and retrieval operations. They address limitations of binary search trees and are essential for managing large datasets efficiently.
- Internal Nodes: Serve as intermediaries with key-value pairs and pointers to child nodes.
- Leaf Nodes: Contain actual data entries and are linked to facilitate ordered access.
- Bulk Loading: Efficiently builds B+ Trees by sorting and inserting records in bulk, reducing I/O operations compared to repeated insertions.
- Complexities: Search, insertion, and deletion operations have O(log n) complexity on average.
- Search: Finds the leaf node containing the desired key.
- Insertion: Adds a new entry, handling node splits and root adjustments as needed.
- Deletion: Removes an entry, ensuring the tree remains balanced through redistributions or merges.
- Advantages: B+ Trees offer efficient operations and are preferable to other balanced data structures.
- Future Work: Includes dynamic B+ Trees, data compression techniques, and hybrid indexing systems.
- Database Management Systems: Used for efficient data indexing.
- Distributed File Systems: Maintains metadata across clusters.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd bplus-tree-project
Compile and run the project:
Special thanks to our instructor, Dr. Anil Shukla, and our Teaching Assistant, E Harshith Kumar Yadav, for their guidance and support throughout the project.