Brandon Trabucco (1), Max Gurinas (2), Kyle Doherty (3), Ruslan Salakhutdinov (1)
(1) Carnegie Mellon University, (2) University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, (3) MPG Ranch
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Large multimodal models such as Stable Diffusion can generate, detect, and classify new visual concepts after fine-tuning just a single word embedding. Do models learn similar words for the same concepts (i.e. = orange + cat)? We conduct a large-scale analysis on three state-of-the-art models in text-to-image generation, open-set object detection, and zero-shot classification, and find that new word embeddings are model-specific and non-transferable. Across 4,800 new embeddings trained for 40 diverse visual concepts on four standard datasets, we find perturbations within an
- Release training code for generation, detection, and classification tasks.
- Release transfer evaluation code.
- Release 4,800 fine-tuned tokens for main experiments.
Check back often, we are releasing in the next 2 weeks!
title={Understanding Visual Concepts Across Models},
author={Brandon Trabucco and Max Gurinas and Kyle Doherty and Ruslan Salakhutdinov},