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backend development

Roman Mylonas edited this page Jul 3, 2015 · 4 revisions



  • Java >= 7
  • mongodb

source code

  1. git clone the project locally
  2. cd msviz-backend

You can then either:

  • run the activator UI ./activator ui
  • or ./activator ~run will run the application and reload it each time a source file is modified

Then, you can run the test. Edit the source code with your preferred editor (from vi to Intellij) etc. etc.

with IntelliJ

  1. git clone the project locally
  2. ./activator idea
  3. import project from IntelliJ

Data storage

The backend store in, for the time being, only a mongo server. Download and install mongodb. Launch the daemon with a command like

mongod --fork --dbpath $HOME/work/mongodb/db --logpath $HOME/work/mongodb/mongod.log

To check that everything is running ok, you can then connect with a mongo-shell via

mongo ms_viz

The configuration on where to hit the mongodb server is described in the conf/application.conf file.

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