QIV is simply a Quick Image Viewer based od Qt (build with Qt v5.3.2) on Windows. It was part of a custom DMS project I build which required an internal viewer for Hi-res scanned documents (instant loading of large images and fast zooming on mouse scroll). It has some basic features and is easy for integration with Qt Designer (drop GraphicsView widget and promote to ImgViewer)
- based on QGraphicsView (easy integration)
- Zooming with mouse scroll (zooms under mouse position).
- No scrollbars (hand drag)
- Fit to Window
- Rotation (clockwise and counter clockwise)
- Clear viewer
- Save as..
Icons in the Toolbar belong to: Farm-Fresh iconpack by FatCow: http://www.fatcow/free-icon Released under CC-BY 3.0 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/