Http server which provides the ability to Create, Update, Read and Delete data in an in-memory database.
$ npm i
# installing dependencies
$ npm run start:dev
# starting the server in development mode
$ npm run start:prod
# starting the server in prodaction mode
Now you can send requests to the server:
- GET /person or /person/
- 'personId' is of type uuid
- POST /person
{name, age, hobbies}
- body properties 'name', 'age', 'hobbies' required
- example ->
{ name: 'Vasya', age: '20', hobbies: "['walk','fight','drink']" }
- PUT /person/
{name, age, hobbies}
- updating data in the database according to the data from the request body
- example ->
{ name: 'Vasya', age: '20', hobbies: "['only drink']" }
- DELETE/person/
- delete record from the database with
- delete record from the database with
# testing with detailed description
$ npm run test
# testing in development mode and watch for updates of test files
$ npm run test:dev