###3D Printer based on 20mm "V groove" extruded aluminum and delrin wheels
Printed pieces are designed with a .2mm tolerance. Which is pretty healthy in most cases and parts are designed to be very forgiving.
Find printable part files in /stl. All files have been run through Netfabb and should be properly oriented for easy printing.
I'm certain there are lots of things left out of the BOM (like how many M5 bolts, etc...) which will be updated shortly.
Included is a .skp (Sketchup 2015) document to allow viewing the entire printer schematic.
Feel free to fork / whatever.
###Bill of Materials: BOM.csv (comma delimited value generic spreadsheet data)
###Bill of Printed Materials:
- belt-or-syncromesh-clamp.stl x 2
- e3d-mount-a.stl x 1
- e3d-mount-b.stl x 1
- endstop-mount.stl x 3
- extruder-arm-a.stl x 1
- extruder-arm-b.stl x 1
- extruder-body.stl x 1
- fan-extension-mount.stl x 1
- frame-angle-braces.stl x 4
- inner-corner-brace.stl x 3
- ramps-mount.stl x 1
- tower-brace-lower.stl x 1
- tower-brace-upper.stl x 1
- x-carriage-front.stl x 1
- x-carriage-rear.stl x 2
- x-motor-mount.stl x 1
- x-pulley-mount.stl x 1
- y-motor-mount.stl x 1
- y-pulley-mount.stl x 1
- z-gantry-plate.stl x 2
- z-motor-mount.stl x 2
- z-tower-base-brace.stl x 1
- z-upper-angle-brace.stl x 2