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Swift function extensions for Swift 3


pod 'Swiftex'


Accessors second and third

let array = ["Say", "Hi", "Hello"]
print(array.second) // Optional("Hi")
print(array.third) // Optional("Hello")

Move objects from index to index

var array = ["Say", "Hi", "Hello"]
array.move(fromPosition: 0, toPosition: 1)
// "Hi", "Say", "Hello"

Remove Equatable object

var array = ["Say", "Hi", "Hello"]
array.remove("Hi") // return removed index
// "Say", "Hello"

Remove duplicates

let array = ["Say", "Hi", "Say", "Hello"]
let clean = array.removeDuplicates("Hi")
// "Say", "Hi", "Hello"


Remove nil values

let dict: [String: String?] = [
	"say": "hi"
	"hello": nil

// ["say": "hi"]

Int, Double, Float



Trim whitespaces

let str = "Say, hi, hello! "
str.trim // "Say, hi, hello!"

Check for E-mail

let str = ""
if str.isEmail {
	// true

Check for string contains alphabet symbols only

let str = "String"
if str.isAlphabet {
	// true

URL encode string

"hello, how are you?".URLEncode

URL value from string

let str = ""
let url = str.URLValue

Extract numbers only from string

let str = "Say 123-345 Hello"
str.numbers // returns 123345

Extract letters only without whitespaces from string

let str = "Say 123-345 Hello"
str.letters // returns SayHello

Extract letters with whitespaces from string

let str = "Say 123-345 Hello"
str.lettersWithSpace // returns Say  Hello

Data object from string

let str = "Say Hi, Hello"
str.dataValue // Data object encoded with UTF8

And more more see in String+Extension.swift


APNS device token as String without spaces

let deviceToken: Data = ...
deviceToken.deviceTokenAsString // a3de...


var ISO8601String: String?
var tomorrow: Date

var seconds: Int
var minutes: Int
var hours: Int
var day: Int
var month: Int
var year: Int

var isToday: Bool

var tomorrow: Date

func isSame(date: Date?) -> Bool
func isSameMonth(date: Date) -> Bool

// Compare

Date == Date
Date < Date
Date <= Date
Date >= Date
Date > Date


class var nameOfClass: String
var nameOfClass: String

func addNotificationObServer(name: Notification.Name, selector: Selector)
func removeNotificationObServer(name: Notification.Name)

func removeNotificationObserver()

###Notification Center

Post notification easy .NotificationName)


NSNumber from string

let str = "1234"
NSNumber(string: str) // returns 0 if string incorrect
// automatic detect decimal separtor for all locales


Aspect ratio

func aspectRatio(newWidth: CGFloat) -> CGSize
func aspectRatio(newHeight: CGFloat) -> CGSize


func hexString(prefix: Bool = false) -> String


func resize(newSize: CGSize) -> UIImage


Simple way for keyboard notifications

// In viewDidLoad:

func addKeyboardWillShowNotification()
func addKeyboardDidShowNotification()

func addKeyboardWillHideNotification()
func addKeyboardDidHideNotification()

// in deinit:

func remove...

// Override

override func keyboardWillShow(frame: CGRect) {
override func keyboardDidShow(frame: CGRect) {
override func keyboardWillHide(frame: CGRect) {
override func keyboardDidHide(frame: CGRect) {


let windowSize = UIWindow.size


Swift extension







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