Time-lapse image capture with ESP32 Camera. Camera makes picture in given interval and sends it to the FTP / CLoudinary server and to the Blynk Image widget.
Project was updated to the new version of Blynk 2.0
- Sending image in given time laps to the server
- Capture image interval can be set from Blynk
- Taking picture with or without embedded LED flash (can set in the Blynk)
- Can set time interval in Blynk to decide to take or not a image (based on Blynk real time widget and Blynk time input widget)
To build a project, you need to download all the necessary libraries and create the settings.cpp file in the src folder:
#include "IPAddress.h"
// Project settings
struct Settings
const char *blynkAuth = "XXX";
const int cameraNumber = 1;
const char *wifiSSID = "YYY";
const char *wifiPassword = "ZZZ";
const char *imageUploadScriptUrl = "http://example.com/upload.php";
const char *version = "1.0.0";
const char *firmwareVersionUrl = "http://example.com/version.txt";
const char *firmwareBinUrl = "http://example.com/firmware.bin";
IPAddress ip = IPAddress(192, 168, 43, 202);
IPAddress gateway = IPAddress(192, 168, 43, 1);
IPAddress subnet = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);
// alarm based on the other ESP32 device
const char *alarmEnabled = "http://blynk-cloud.com/auth-token/get/V1";
const char *isAlarm = "http://blynk-cloud.com/auth-token/get/V2";
ESP32-CAM makes picture and send it by HTTP POST request to the server via simple PHP script. I followed this tutorial.
On the server, PHP script:
- inserts date and time to the picture and saves picture to the disk
- sends picture to the Cloudinary API
- sets picture public url from Cloudinary to the Blynk Image Widget
- removes picture from server disk
PHP script is located in the Server scripts folder. It's needed to set up your upload_preset, cloudinary URL, and blynkAuthToken.