KidsFun is a web application where parents can find and share kids friendly activities and adventures.
- Authentication
- User can register and login, enabled by passport
- Authorization
- User needs to be logged in to make any edit (add, update or delete an activity or review)
- A user can only edit their own posts or reviews
- Functionalities
- Activities are marked on a cluster map using Mapbox API
- Every activity has its detail page showing images, descriptions, price, location, map, and reviews from other users
- Client side and server side validations
- All details for each activity can be edited and deleted after creation
- Search based on keyword in title and location
- HTML, CSS, Bootsrap v5.0
- EJS, EJS Mate
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- cloudinary
- MapBox
- passport (local-strategy)
- connect-flash
- morgan
- sessions
- helmet
- mongoSanitize
- sanitizeHtml