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Shinyu Murakami edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 35 revisions


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Module structure

Vivliostyle.js consists of two components:

Core Viewer
Vivliostyle.js Core layout engine Vivliostyle.js Viewer UI

Setup a development environment

Make sure that the following is installed:

Clone vivliostyle.js.

git clone
cd vivliostyle.js

@vivliostyle/core is listed as a dependency for @vivliostyle/viewer in package.json. During development, you want to use the local copy of @vivliostyle/core, rather than a package installed from npm. For this purpose, use yarn bootstrap to make a symbolic link:

yarn install    # install dependencies
yarn bootstrap  # setup development environment

Build and serve

yarn build-dev  # build a development version of both Core and Viewer.
yarn dev        # start watching source files and open browser.

With yarn dev, a web server starts (Browsersync with live-reload enabled), and Google Chrome should automatically open. If no browser opens, open http://localhost:3000/core/test/files/. On saving any source file, the browser automatically reloads.

Viewer and test files

Viewer HTML file (in development mode) is located at packages/viewer/lib/vivliostyle-viewer-dev.html. You can open an (X)HTML file with a URL (relative to the viewer HTML file) specified to #src= hash parameter. For example, http://localhost:3000/viewer/lib/vivliostyle-viewer-dev.html#src=../../core/test/files/print_media/index.html opens a test file for print media located at packages/core/test/files/print_media/index.html.

Test HTML files, intended to be used during development, are located at packages/core/test/files/. You are encouraged to add test files useful for implementing and verifying features.

The packages/core/scripts/package-artifacts/samples/ directory holds sample files for testing. See Vivliostyle Samples for more samples.


The TypeScript source files are compiled and minified by Rollup. To build the minified version of JavaScript files, run yarn build (in the repository root directory). The sources are type-checked and the minified file will be generated under packages/core/lib/ and packages/viewer/lib directories.

Jasmine is used for unit testing. Spec files are located under packages/core/test/spec/. To run unit tests on a local machine, run yarn test.

The unit tests is automatically invoked in Travis CI when pushing to GitHub. When pushed to master, after all tests pass, the code will be automatically deployed as the Canary release so please be careful when pushing to master (merging PR).

Development mode

In development mode (yarn dev), you can debug Vivliostyle.js with TypeScript source code in your browser's DevTools.

Lint and code formatting

Run yarn lint for lint and code formatting (using ESLint with eslint-plugin-prettier).

Run yarn format for code formatting with prettier.

Release Flow

Before proceeding with the release process, run the following code to ensure that a production build has been created.

yarn lint
yarn test
yarn clean
yarn build

1. Pre-release

Run yarn version:prerelease to create pre-release. And run yarn version:bump to increment pre-release count.

2. Stable release

If current version is pre-release (e.g. v2.0.0-pre.4), run:

yarn version:graduate

To bump up version from stable version to stable version (e.g. v2.0.0 -> v2.0.1):

yarn version:bump

Consistent Naming Guideline

  1. Match class name and its file name for consistency.
  2. Use PascalCase for module import name, kebab-case for a file name, making easier to visually distinguish differences.
  3. No abbreviation in a file name and class name for perspicuity, except:
    1. Initialism (EPUB, PDF, etc).
    2. Lengthy name (prefer conditional-props over conditional-properties).

Commit Message Guideline

All notable changes to this project will be documented in See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.


Cannot find node_modules/@vivliostyle/core

This occurs after yarn add. Run lerna link to recreate symlinks after the installation, otherwise use lerna add instead of yarn add.

Maintaining documents

Please update the following documents as developing.

Source files

Source files under packages/core/src/ are briefly described below.


  • Exposed interface of vivliostyle-core. To use vivliostyle-core, instantiate Vivliostyle.CoreViewer, set options, register event listeners by addListener method, and call loadDocument or loadPublication method.


  • Defines constants used throughout the library.


  • Task scheduling.



  • Definitions for various CSS values.


  • CSS parser.


  • Classes for selector matching and cascading calculation.


  • View tree data structures.


  • Apply CSS cascade to a document incrementally.


  • Web font handling.



  • Page floats.


  • Generation of view tree.


  • Content layout inside regions, including column breaking etc.



  • Select page master, layout regions (columns) one by one etc.


  • Handling EPUB metadata, rendering pages etc.

(There are more files... See the pakcages/core/src directory)

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