This repository provides a template for quickly starting a project with FastAPI. It includes configuration for testing with SQLite, PostgreSQL integration, and basic CRUD operations with SQLAlchemy. This template is ideal for developers looking to kickstart their FastAPI projects with a solid foundation.
- SQLAlchemy: ORM for SQL databases.
- Authentication:
- OAuth 2.0 with JWT (JSON Web Token): OAuth2PasswordBearer for token-based authentication, using JWT tokens for secure and stateless client authorization.
- SQLite for Testing: In-memory SQLite database for testing.
- PostgreSQL Integration: Basic configuration for PostgreSQL.
- Test Setup: Fixtures for database setup with SQLite and teardown, celery and redis.
- CRUD Operations: Basic CRUD operations with SQLAlchemy.
- Poetry: Dependency management with Poetry.
- Celery: Asynchronous task queue for background tasks.
- Separated Dockerfile for Development and Production: Dockerfile for development and production environments.
- Workflows: GitHub Actions for CI (Testing and Linting).
- Makefile: Makefile for common commands.
- Python 3.12+
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Redis
- Docker & docker-compose
Clone the repository:
git clone cd fastapi-kickstart
Install dependencies using Poetry for local development:
poetry install
cp .env.example .env and modify if you'd like.
ENVIRONMENT=local PROJECT_NAME=FastAPI-kickstart # Backend BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS="http://localhost,http://localhost:5173,https://localhost" SECRET_KEY=verysecretkey # Postgres POSTGRES_HOST=db POSTGRES_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_DB=fastapi-kickstart POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres # Redis/Celery REDIS_HOST=redis REDIS_PORT=6379
The recommended way to run the stack is with Docker Compose. The following command will start the FastAPI application, PostgreSQL, and Redis:
docker-compose up -d --build
# or with make
make up
To run the migrations, use the following command:
docker compose run --rm backend alembic upgrade head
# or with make
make migrate
To generate a new migration, use the following command:
docker compose run --rm backend alembic revision --autogenerate -m "migration message"
# or with make
make revision message="migration message"
To run the tests, use the following command:
Test without cov:
pytest src -v -s
# or with make
make test
Tests with cov:
pytest src -v -s --cov=src --cov-report=term-missing
# or with make
make test-cov
- Add User model and CRUD operations
- Add JWT Authentication
- Add Seeders for fast database setup
- Add more CRUD operations
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a PR or open an issue if you encounter any problems. If you'd please read the Contributing Guidelines before submitting your PR.