- Bitfan documentation https://bitfan.io
- configuration file compatible with logstash config file format.
- support conditionals, env, sprintf variables in configuration : %{[field][key]} ${ENVVAR}
- supports input, filters, output and codecs
- consume local and remote (http) configuration files
- build complex pipelines with the
keyword to import, connect, fork to other pipelines/configuration files - gracefully stop and start each pipelines
- install bitfan as a system daemon / service
- manage running pipelines (list / stop / start a pipeline in a running bitfan)
- monitor pipeline processors and events with prometheus
- REST API to manage Bitfan
- WebUI
- tsaikd/gogstash - Logstash like, written in golang
- packetzoom/logzoom - A lightweight replacement for logstash indexer in Go
- hailocab/logslam - A lightweight lumberjack protocol compliant logstash indexer
- spartanlogs/spartan - Spartan is a data process much like Logstash
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- @vjeantet - Valere JEANTET
- @mirdhyn - Merlin Gaillard
- @AlexAkulov - Alexander AKULOV
- @lor00x - Thomas GUILLIER