These are sevabot modules/commands, used for a day-to-day qa tasks. Please install at first sevabot, and then add this repo files to your skype bot.
Every command has its own help, that a user can read a brief manual. For example:
!git help
This command turns on and off notifications from git, when something new was pushed. Basically its valuable for those kind of projects, when git server has restricted access, due to security reasons And a post-receive git hook cannot be set up.
This command creates a cronjob, that checks git log
for any new arrivals, and fires them in Skype.
And its designed to manage each chat notifications separately (every chat can turn git notification on or off, independently)
Usage exmaple:
!git start
!git stop
Notifications example
Something new was pushed to GIT!
John Galt - (HEAD, origin/master, master) - Initial commit
This command turns on and off notifications from JIRA, with new tickets that were created. It also creates a cronjob, that ping jira api for any new tickets.
Search filter can be modified in
Jira login and pass are also stored there.
And similar to git
command, each chat can turn on or off jira notifications
Usage exmaple:
!jira start
!jira stop
Notification example:
New tickets were created!
John Galt -
This command returns version of application deployed to specific qa servers.
Qa server addresses are stored in
in QA_SERVERS array.
Also qa server url, that shows application version, can be modified there as VERSION_APPENDIX
Usage exmaple:
In this case !version
- all qa machine versions will be returned
Response example: - 1.3.2.s2-SNAPSHOT - 1.2.s2.6-SNAPSHOT
This command returns user who's logged in specific qa server.
Also it returns date+time of a last POST or GET request to this server (helps to understand if someone uses it right now)
Please list all QA servers in
file. That sevabot can check correctness of qa server url, passed to this command
Usage exmaple:
Response example: - ec2-user, root, guest
This command restarts tomcat on indicated QA server. And when its done, sends notification back to the chat, that tomcat has successfully been restarted. Scripts also checks that nobody is already restarting tomcat on a server, that no conflicts occur
Notifications look like:
Tomcat has started on!
Usage example: