Each image for datastore should include next mandatory elements:
${DISTRO}-${DATASTORE}-guest-image (for example rhel-mysql-guest-image, rhel-mongodb-guest-image, etc.)
To build an image without the script, make sure you have diskimage-builder installed (yum install -y diskimage-builder) and run the following commands:
# RHEL related required env
export REG_METHOD=portal
export REG_USER=<user>
export REG_PASSWORD=<password>
export REG_MACHINE_NAME=trove
export REG_POOL_ID=<pool>
# DIB related required env
export DISTRO=<distro>
export DATASTORE=<datastore>
disk-image-create -a amd64 \
-o ${DISTRO}-${DATASTORE}-guest-image \
-x --qemu-img-options compat=0.10 \
Note. Only anonymous HTTP(S) accessable Git repos are allowed.
Simply run 'sudo ./create-trove-image.sh -h' to see run instructions.