A design pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. It provides a template or guide that can be applied to solve problems during the software development process, promoting efficiency and code reuse.
Reusability: Design patterns offer solutions that can be reused across different applications or systems. They are not tied to a specific language or platform.
Best Practices: They capture expert knowledge and established practices, helping developers avoid common mistakes.
Abstraction: Patterns abstract complex problems, providing a simplified model that can be adapted to various situations.
Efficiency: Design patterns provide solutions that have already been tested and optimized, reducing the time needed to find solutions.
Maintainability: They promote better organization, reducing the likelihood of errors and making code easier to understand and modify.
Scalability: Since design patterns address fundamental software design challenges, they support creating scalable systems by making code flexible and adaptable to change.