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SteveMoto edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

Are you tired of that never ending pocket job?
Wanna impress some girl with something totally mind blowing? (please don't try this!)
Wanna start a jam session and you guitarist/pianist is late?

This's the missing plugin!

Use your cnc machine as a Music Box. It will generate a gCode path with variable feed "tuned" with notes taken from an input midi file. This is simply a port of that great work by midi2cnc

bCNC Plugins Midi2CNC 1

For the math behind have a look at this link

Anyway setup is quite easy:

  • Pulse per unit X/Y/Z: define how many step are needs for travel one unit (mm/inch) in you machine. This equals to parameters $100/$101/$102 in your Grbl.
  • Maximum travel X/Y/Z: limit the path in that direction. When rich it will reverse the motion
  • Axis used : tracks in the midi file will be mapped to this Axis. With some songs is better use fewer axis. Also the main track should be mapped to the most noisy axis.
  • Midi to process : The midi track that will be decoded. Here some usefull test files:

N.B. Feed override work great to slow down the track! But it'll change also the tune.

Changing acceleration in grbl also can improve audio quality. A value of 500 vs the stock 400 for a Shapeoko 3 yielded noticeable improvement. Setting the acceleration too high can result in missed steps.

Here a list of performance:

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