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Getting Started

1. General Info

The use of Adform Header Bidding SDK requires the following:

  • Xcode 7.0 or later.
  • iOS 7.0 or later.
  • Requires deployment target 7.0 or later.
  • Requires ARC to be enabled.

2. Integration

2.1. Using CocoaPods

Adform Header Bidding SDK is available via CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a very popular Objective-C dependency management tool.

  • To use CocoaPods, you should first install the CocoaPods Ruby Gem (CocoaPods is built with Ruby):
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
  • Next, you need to create a Podfile, which describes what dependencies you project has. This file should be placed in your project directory.
$ pod init
  • Next, edit Podfile and add the platform identifier and the list of libraries you want to use in the project.
platform: ios

pod 'AdformHeaderBidding'
  • Finally, you have to install the selected libraries.
pod install

Thats it!

For more information about CocoaPods visit CocoaPods site.

2.2. Manual

  • Download latest build version of Adform Header Bidding SDK.
  • Drag AdformHeaderBidding.framework to your project.

alt tag

  • When asked select Copy items into destination group's folder.

alt tag

  • Go to your application target’s configuration > General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries section and add these frameworks to your project:

    • AdSupport.framework
    • CoreTelephony.framework
    • CoreLocation.framework
    • SystemConfiguration.framework

alt tag

3. Using Adform Header Bidding SDK to make requests

It is very easy to make request to Adform ad exchange server with header bidding sdk. You just have to create an AFBidRequest and send it using AFBidLoader. There is no need to create new instances of AFBidLoader, therfore you should just use default bid loader. Exmaple bellow shows you how to request bids:

    AFBidRequest *bidRequest = [[AFBidRequest alloc] initWithMasterTagId:mid
                                                        supportedAdSizes:@[AFAdDimension(320, 50)]];
    [[AFBidLoader defaultLoader] requestBids:bidRequest
                           completionHandler:^(NSArray<AFBidResponse *> *bidResponses, NSError *error) {
        if (error != null) {
            // Handle failed request.
        } else {
            // Handle response of successful request.
            // The bidResponses array contains only one AFBidResponse instance, 
            // therefore you can access it like this.
            AFBidResponse *response = bidResponses.firstObject;
            // Do something with bid response.

3.1 Configuring AFBidRequest

Bid request must have masterTagId, placementType and supportedAdSizes properties set before executing. To do so you should use convenience initializer initWithMasterTagId:palcementType:supportedAdSizes:. It is possible to set nil to supportedAdSizes, in this case ad size will be determined dinamically on the server side based on the master tag configuration. Additionaly you can set bidTimeOut and adxDomain properties. bidTimeOut defines HTTP request timeout for bid requests, default value 15s. adxDomain defines the server to which the request should be sent. You can set AFAdxDomainEUR or AFAdxDomainUSA, default value AFAdxDomainEUR. AFAdxDomainEUR is used for European markets and AFAdxDomainUSA is used for USA markets.

3.2 Enabling location tracking on Adform Header Bidding SDK

Adform Header Bidding SDK has an ability to track user location. This feature is enabled globally through AFHeaderBiddingSDK class. By default user location tracking is disabled. This setting doesn't persist between application launches, therefore you need to enable location tracking on every app launch. The best place to do this is application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: application delegate method.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Override point for customization after application launch.

	[AFHeaderBiddingSDK allowUseOfLocation:YES];
    return YES;

It is important that you define NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in your applications info.plist file, if you don't have one. Otherwise location tracking wont work on iOS 8+. You should set its value to "Your location will be used to show relevant ads nearby." or its translation.

4. DFP integration

In order to load Adform banners with Google DFP SDK using Adform Header Bidding SDK you need to follow these steps:

  • Configure a creative for header bidding on DFP interface. Please visit our Publisher help center for more information.

  • Import Adform Header Bidding SDK and Google DFP SDK to your project. For more information on Adform Header Bidding SDK integration take a look at the top of the document and more information about Google DFP SDK integration can be found here.

  • Make a bid request using Adform Header Bidding SDK.

- (void)requestBidWithMasterTagId:(long)mid adSize:(CGSize )size {
    AFBidRequest *bidRequest = [[AFBidRequest alloc] initWithMasterTagId:mid
                                                        supportedAdSizes:@[[NSValue valueWithCGSize:size]]];
    [[AFBidLoader defaultLoader] requestBids:bidRequest
                           completionHandler:^(NSArray<AFBidResponse *> *bidResponses, NSError *error) {
                               [self handleBidResponses:bidResponses];
  • Pass bid price, ad unit and bidder name to DFP ad request.
- (void)handleBidResponses:(NSArray<AFBidResponse *> *)bidResponses {

    // Take the first response.
    AFBidResponse *bidResponse = bidResponses.firstObject;
    // Check if we succesfully received a bid response.
    // Bid may be not available.
    if (bidResponse && bidResponse.status == AFBidStatusAvailable) {
        // Create DFP ad reqeust.
        DFPRequest *adRequest = [DFPRequest request];
        // Set custom targeting parameters. We use these parameters to pass
        // header bidding data to DFP sdk.
        // You need to customize bidding price for hb_pb parameter, that it would be formatted with two trailing zeros (e.g."1.00").
        // To display ads by using Google DFP SDK it requires base64 encoded hb_adid parameter.
        NSDictionary *customTargeting = @{@"hb_pb": [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f", bidResponse.cpm],
                                      @"hb_bidder": @"Bidder",
                                      @"hb_adid":  [bidResponse.adUnitScriptEncoded stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"=" withString:@"-"] };
        adRequest.customTargeting = customTargeting;
        // Load the DFP banner.
        [self loadBanner:adRequest];
    } else {
        // Show error
  • Load the ad.
- (void)loadBanner:(DFPRequest *)adRequest {

    [self.bannerView loadRequest:adRequest];

Release Notes

This part lists release notes from all versions of Adform Mobile Advertising iOS SDK.


New Features

  • First release;


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