This repository contains all the code used for the analyses in the manuscript Transformation of alignment files improves the performance of variant callers for long-read RNA sequencing data (paper link). The order in which the scripts were run is indicated by numbers in their names or folders.
Here, we also make the flagCorrection
tool available, a tool developed by us to manipulate BAM files output by GATK's SplitNCigarReads
function to make them adequate for deep learning-based variant callers.
In the manuscript, we present a pipeline to increase the performance of the variant callers DeepVariant
and Clair3
on long-read RNA-seq (e.g., Iso-Seq data). This pipeline consists of using minimap2
(to align reads to a reference genome), SplitNCigarReads
(to split reads at intronic regions), flagCorrection
, and a variant caller (we suggest DeepVariant
or Clair3
). The generic code for this pipeline is shown below.
Our pipeline required the following tools to be installed:
(>= 2.17-r941), see installation;samtools
(>= 1.9), see installation;GATK
(>= v4.1.9.0), see installation;R
(>= 4.0.5), see installation;- a variant caller, we recomend
(>= 1.1.0), see installation — we run it with Singularity, but other option may work, - or, alternatively,
(>= v0.1-r5) see installation — we run it with Bioconda, but other options may work; vcftools
(>= 0.1.16), see installation;bcftools
(>= 1.9), see installation, or install bcftools with Bioconda;tabix
(>= 1.10.2), install tabix with Bioconda orsudo apt update ; sudo apt install tabix
;- the
packages:- Rsamtools (>= 2.4.0),
- foreach (>= 1.5.0), and
- doParallel (>= 1.0.15).
To install the R
packages, run R
and enter the following code:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("foreach", "doParallel", "Rsamtools"))
To install flagCorrection
, simply clone this repository with the command
git clone
To run flagCorrection
, use a command that looks like
Rscript ${PATH_TO_REPO}/flagCorrection.r \
where the variables
, is the path to your cloned lrRNAseqVariantCalling repository;INPUT_ORIGINAL_BAM
, is the path to the original BAM file (reads not split);INPUT_SPLIT_BAM
, is the path to the BAM file that stores split reads (originated fromINPUT_ORIGINAL_BAM
after usingSplitNCigarReads
, is the path to the output BAM file to be written (stores split reads with corrected flags);THREADS
, is the number of threads to use.
To illustrate how to call variants from Iso-Seq data using our pipeline, we use as input a small public Iso-Seq BAM that contains full-length non-concatemer reads, which can be downloaded here.
We also need a reference genome (download here).
Convert the Iso-Seq BAM to FASTQ format.
bamToFastq \
-i ${ISOSEQ_BAM} \
Align the Iso-Seq reads to the genome, and sort and index the alignments.
### align reads to the genome of reference and remove secondary and
### supplementary alignments; keep duplicates
minimap2 -ax splice \
-uf -C5 \
-t ${THREADS} \
--secondary=no \
| samtools view -bSh -F 2308 - \
> ${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln.bam
### sort and index
samtools sort \
-@ ${THREADS} \
-o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_s.bam \
rm ${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln.bam
samtools index \
We use GATK
's SplitNCigarReads
function to split reads at intronic regions, i.e., at Ns of their CIGAR string. This removes introns from the alignments.
### need to create a sequence dictionary for a reference FASTA
gatk CreateSequenceDictionary -R ${REF_FASTA}
### SplitNCigarReads
gatk --java-options "-Xmx4G -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=${THREADS}" SplitNCigarReads \
-I ${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_s.bam \
-O ${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_sncr.bam
After splitting the reads, most of them receive a supplementary flag. We need to correct these flags with flagCorrection
### flagCorrection
Rscript ${PATH_TO_REPO}/flagCorrection.r \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_s.bam \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_sncr.bam \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_sncr_fc.bam \
### index
samtools index \
-@ ${THREADS} \
Now variants can be called with high performance using DeepVariant
. The command is the same that is used normally to call variants from DNA sequences.
mkdir ${OUTPUT_DIR}/deepvariant
singularity exec --bind ${OUTPUT_DIR}/deepvariant,/usr/lib/locale/ \
/home/vbarbo/programs/deepvariant_singularity/deepvariant-1.1.0.simg \
/opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant \
--model_type PACBIO \
--ref ${REF_FASTA} \
--reads ${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_sncr_fc.bam \
--output_vcf ${OUTPUT_DIR}/deepvariant/deepvariant_calls.vcf \
--num_shards ${THREADS}
contains the variants called by DeepVariant
To call variants from Iso-Seq with Clair3
, we recommend using our pipeline only to call indels, and Clair3
normally for SNPs, a pipeline that we call Clair3-mix in the manuscript.
Indel calling:
mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/indel
### run Clair3
conda activate clair3
--bam_fn=${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_sncr_fc.bam \
--ref_fn=${REF_FASTA} \
--threads=${THREADS} \
--platform="hifi" \
--model_path=${PATH_TO_CLAIR3_HIFI_MODEL} \
### take only indels
### we use pileup.vcf.gz instead of merge_output.vcf.gz, since the
### full-alignment model does not work with Iso-Seq data
vcftools --gzvcf ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/indel/pileup.vcf.gz \
--out ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/indel/clair3_indel \
--keep-only-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all
### compress and index
bgzip ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/indel/clair3_indel.recode.vcf
tabix -p vcf ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/indel/clair3_indel.recode.vcf.gz
SNP calling:
mkdir ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/snp
--bam_fn=${OUTPUT_DIR}/aln_s.bam \
--ref_fn=${REF_FASTA} \
--threads=${THREADS} \
--platform="hifi" \
--model_path=${PATH_TO_CLAIR3_HIFI_MODEL} \
### take only SNPs
vcftools --gzvcf ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/snp/pileup.vcf.gz \
--out ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/snp/clair3_snp \
--remove-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all
### compress and index
bgzip ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/snp/clair3_snp.recode.vcf
tabix -p vcf ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/snp/clair3_snp.recode.vcf.gz
Concatenate the indel and the SNP VCF files.
bcftools concat \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/indel/clair3_indel.recode.vcf.gz \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/snp/clair3_snp.recode.vcf.gz \
-o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/clair3_mix.recode.vcf.gz \
-O z -D -a
The concatenated VCF may contain two different variants at a same site. Using our function available in this repository, keep only one variant per site by removing the one with the lowest QUAL value.
Rscript ${PATH_TO_REPO}/removeRepeatedLowerQualSites.r \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/clair3/clair3_mix.recode.vcf.gz \
is the final VCF file with variants called by Clair3