MOS - Mechatronic Orientation System for Mobile Robots
This app is only the software component of the project. The second part of the project consist of the hardware components as follows:
- Pan tilt mechanism, either bought or 3d printed
- Raspberry Pi Module V2 Camera or a usb camera
- 2 Servos
- Jetson Nano
- Adafruit servo driver. I used PCA9685.
Running the project
- Step 1 - Clone this repository
- Step 2 - Install the dependencies running "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Step 3 - Run the code and start tracking objects
To validate communication via I2C
- Attach the logic power pins and the SCL/SDA pins from the driver to the board
- Power the driver
- Use the following command: i2cdetect -y -r 1
- Check for a valid positive output message