Up-to-date, auto-generated Raylib (and Raymath) bindings for V
Current Raylib Target: v5.5
v install raylib
Barring a small handful of differences, it is the exact same as Raylib's C API.
- Functions and parameters are renamed from
- Colours are V constants, not as macros
- Any function that uses or returns a C-string instead uses a V-string
There are already a handful of V Raylib bindings, but they almost all are out-of-date or are poorly maintained. For that reason, I decided to do it myself.
I also wanted to have documentation comments in the bindings, which is not provided by many Raylib bindings in general as far as I know.
The Raylib headers are licensed under their respective licenses, which is Zlib.
Everything else is dual-licensed under MIT and the Unlicense, use whichever works best for you! :D