Customized version of a very simple Synology Package Server, reverse engineered from the official Synology package repository and SynoCommunity.
This php script will serve SPKs to a Synology Package Center while also offering regular HTTP browsing through the available SPKs.
- Cache is refreshed as soon as a new version of a package is available.
- Add a fake Synology model 'Any' to be able to display info for the complete list of Packages.
- A new theme 'beatificabytes' has been added.
- An opened lock is displayed on the logo of each unsigned packages.
- Clicking on that lock will sign the package if sspks was installed with my own SPK (MODS_SSPKS)
- A camera is displayed on the logo of each package having snapshots.
- Clicking on that camera will display the snapshots.
My own spk created with these sources and Mods Packager can be found
This spk will:
- prompt the user to pick a theme during installation
- prompt the user to get name and email in order to create gpgkeys
- create gpg keys for package signing purpose (gpg2 - gpgme - me needs to be installed on Synology)
- publish the public key in SSPKS so users can trust packages signed there
This code is used as-is by "Mods Packager" to create a SPK file that can be deployed on Synology. You will have to install gpg2 on your synology using the following command in a ssh console: ipkg install gpgme
This is a fork version of the original sspks to be found on