Orange Pi PC and Armbian based radio
- Orange Pi PC
- Power adapter 5V, 2A, 4.0x1.7mm (BS-522CO/6388)
- USB Wifi (ZB02500 0bda:8179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)
- IR Remote (Arduino remote with 17 buttons)
- Cable (Nokia CA-75U)
- Radio/Amplifier with external input or Speakers
Install Armbian.
Install apt-get install firmware-realtek
to get USB wifi working (internet needed, use ethernet port, driver already included in Armbian 5.20 and newer)
Create/modify /etc/network/interfaces
to connect wirelessly.
Install apt-get install mpd mpc
to play and controll music.
Create/modify /etc/asound.conf
to make jack 3.5mm jack default.
Create/modify /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
to decode specific remote.
Create account to receive IR commands and to forward it.
adduser --uid 2222 --disabled-password --disabled-login radio
Create files
and .lircrc
and radio.list
in /home/radio
Set proper ownership
chown -R radio:radio /home/radio
and give rights to change volume on sytem mixer
usermod -a -G audio radio
Use crontab -e
and append following line to receive IR after reboot (you can experiment with time).
@reboot sleep 60 ; sudo -H -u radio /usr/bin/irexec -d
Q: MP3 radios are too quiet
A: Append following lines to /etc/mpd.conf
decoder {
plugin "mad"
enabled "no"
- UP/DOWN changes volume
- LEFT/RIGHT prev/next radio
- ASTERISK random radio
- 1234567890 radio selection
- HASH confirms typed numbers
- OK mute/unmute
note: any non-numeric key resets typed numbers, sequence 1 2 UP 3 1 HASH
will tune station on line 31 in file radio.list