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VMware Tanzu Sources for Knative

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This repo is the home for VMware-related event sources compatible with the Knative project.

This repo is under active development to get a Knative compatible Event Source for VMware events, e.g. VMware vSphere incl. a Binding to easily access the vSphere API from Kubernetes objects, e.g. a Job.

⚠️ NOTE: To run these examples, you will need ko installed or use a release (preferred) and deploy it via kubectl.

Available Sources and Bindings

  • VSphereSource to create VMware vSphere (vCenter) event sources
  • VSphereBinding to inject VMware vSphere (vCenter) credentials
  • HorizonSource to create VMware Horizon event sources

Install Tanzu Sources CRDs for Knative

Install via Release (latest)

kubectl apply -f

Install from Source

Install the CRD providing the control / dataplane for the various Sources and Bindings:

# define environment variables accordingly, e.g. when using kind
export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=vmware
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local

ko apply -BRf config


To see examples of the Sources and Bindings in action, check out our samples directory.

Basic VSphereSource Example

The VSphereSource provides a simple mechanism to enable users to react to vSphere events.

In order to receive events from vSphere (i.e. vCenter) these are the key parts in the configuration:

  1. The vCenter address and secret information.
  2. Where to send the events.
  3. Checkpoint behavior.
  4. Payload encoding scheme
kind: VSphereSource
  name: source
  # Where to fetch the events, and how to auth.
  address: https://vcenter.corp.local
  skipTLSVerify: true
    name: vsphere-credentials

  # Where to send the events.

  # Adjust checkpointing and event replay behavior
    maxAgeSeconds: 300
    periodSeconds: 10

  # Set the CloudEvent data encoding scheme to JSON
  payloadEncoding: application/json

Let's walk through each of these.

Authenticating with vSphere

Let's focus on this part of the sample source:

# Where to fetch the events, and how to auth.
address: https://vcenter.corp.local
skipTLSVerify: true
  name: vsphere-credentials
  • address is the URL of ESXi or vCenter instance to connect to (same as VC_URL).
  • skipTLSVerify disables certificate verification (same as VC_INSECURE).
  • secretRef holds the name of the Kubernetes secret with the following form:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: vsphere-credentials
  # Same as VC_USERNAME
  username: ...
  # Same as VC_PASSWORD
  password: ...

Delivering Events

Let's focus on this part of the sample source:

# Where to send the events.

The simplest way to deliver events is to simply send them to an accessible endpoint as above, but there are a few additional options to explore.

To deliver events to a Kubernetes Service in the same namespace you can use:

# Where to send the events.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    name: the-service-name

To deliver events to a Knative Service (scales to zero) in the same namespace you can use:

# Where to send the events.
    kind: Service
    name: the-knative-service-name

To deliver events to a Knative Broker in the same namespace (e.g. here the default) you can use:

# Where to send the events.
    kind: Broker
    name: default

Configuring Checkpoint and Event Replay

Let's focus on this section of the sample source:

# Adjust checkpointing and event replay behavior
  maxAgeSeconds: 300
  periodSeconds: 10

The Source controller will periodically checkpoint its progress in the vCenter event stream ("history") by using a Kubernetes ConfigMap as storage backend. The name of the ConfigMap is <name_of_source>-configmap (see example below). By default, checkpoints will be created every 10 seconds. The minimum checkpoint frequency is 1s but be aware of potential load on the Kubernetes API this might cause.

Upon start, the controller will look for an existing checkpoint (ConfigMap). If a valid one is found, and if it is within the history replay window (maxAgeSeconds, see below), it will start replaying the vCenter event stream from the timestamp specified in the checkpoint's "lastEventKeyTimestamp" key. If the timestamp is older than maxAgeSeconds, the controller will start replaying from maxAgeSeconds before the current vCenter time (UTC). If there is no existing checkpoint, the controller will not replay any events, regardless of what value is in maxAgeSeconds. This is to ensure that when upgrading from an earlier version of the controller where checkpointing was not implemented, no events will be accidentally replayed.

Checkpointing is useful to guarantee at-least-once event delivery semantics, e.g. to guard against lost events due to controller downtime (maintenance, crash, etc.). To influence the checkpointing logic, these parameters are available in spec.checkpointConfig:

  • periodSeconds:
    • Description: how often to save a checkpoint (RPO, recovery point objective)
    • Minimum: 1
    • Default (when 0 or unspecified): 10
  • maxAgeSeconds:
    • Description: the history window when replaying the event history (RTO, recovery time objective)
    • Minimum: 0 (disables event replay, see below)
    • Default: 300

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Checkpointing itself cannot be disabled and there will be exactly zero or one checkpoint per controller. If at-most-once event delivery is desired, i.e. no event replay upon controller start, simply set maxAgeSeconds: 0.

To reduce load on the Kubernetes API, a new checkpoint will not be saved under the following conditions:

  • When all events in a batch could not be sent to the sink (note: partial success, i.e. successful events in a batch until the first failed event will be checkpointed though)
  • When the vCenter event polling logic does not return any new events (note: fixed backoff logic is applied to reduce load on vCenter)

⚠️ IMPORTANT: When a VSphereSource is deleted, the corresponding checkpoint (ConfigMap) will also be deleted! Make sure to backup any checkpoint before deleting the VSphereSource if this is required for auditing/compliance reasons.

Here is an example of a JSON-encoded checkpoint for a VSphereSource named vc-source:

kubectl get cm vc-source-configmap -o jsonpath='{.data}'

# output edited for better readability
  "checkpoint": {
    "vCenter": "",
    "lastEventKey": 17208,
    "lastEventType": "UserLogoutSessionEvent",
    "lastEventKeyTimestamp": "2021-02-15T19:20:35.598999Z",
    "createdTimestamp": "2021-02-15T19:20:36.3326551Z"

Configuring CloudEvent Payload Encoding

Let's focus on this section of the sample source:

# Set the CloudEvent data encoding scheme to JSON
payloadEncoding: application/json

The default CloudEvent payload encoding scheme, i.e. datacontenttype, produced by a VSphereSource in the v1alpha1 API is application/xml. Alternatively, this can be changed to application/json as shown in the sample above. Other encoding schemes are currently not implemented.

Example Event Structure

Events received by the VSphereSource adapter from a VMware vSphere environment are wrapped into a standardized event format using the CloudEvent specification.

Events are delivered over HTTP using binary encoding. Hence, CloudEvent metadata, such as subject, source, etc. are represented in HTTP headers. The actual data (payload), i.e. vSphere event, is encoded in the body, using the configured payload encoding in the VSphereSource spec field.

The following example shows a VmPoweredOffEvent encoded as CloudEvent using HTTP binary transport mode.

CloudEvent HTTP Headers
  "Accept-Encoding": [
  "Ce-Eventclass": [
  "Ce-Id": [
  "Ce-Knativearrivaltime": [
  "Ce-Source": [
  "Ce-Specversion": [
  "Ce-Time": [
  "Ce-Type": [
  "Ce-Vsphereapiversion": [
  "Content-Length": [
  "Content-Type": [
  "Forwarded": [
  "K-Proxy-Request": [
  "Prefer": [
  "Traceparent": [
  "User-Agent": [
  "X-Forwarded-For": [
  "X-Forwarded-Proto": [
  "X-Request-Id": [
CloudEvent HTTP body (Payload) using JSON encoding
  "Key": 41,
  "ChainId": 41,
  "CreatedTime": "2022-03-21T16:35:39.3101747Z",
  "UserName": "user",
  "Datacenter": {
    "Name": "DC0",
    "Datacenter": {
      "Type": "Datacenter",
      "Value": "datacenter-2"
  "ComputeResource": {
    "Name": "DC0_H0",
    "ComputeResource": {
      "Type": "ComputeResource",
      "Value": "computeresource-23"
  "Host": {
    "Name": "DC0_H0",
    "Host": {
      "Type": "HostSystem",
      "Value": "host-21"
  "Vm": {
    "Name": "DC0_H0_VM0",
    "Vm": {
      "Type": "VirtualMachine",
      "Value": "vm-57"
  "Ds": null,
  "Net": null,
  "Dvs": null,
  "FullFormattedMessage": "DC0_H0_VM0 on DC0_H0 in DC0 is powered off",
  "ChangeTag": "",
  "Template": false

Basic VSphereBinding Example

The VSphereBinding provides a simple mechanism for a user application to call into the vSphere API. In your application code, simply write:

import ""

// This returns a
client, err := New(ctx)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Unable to create vSphere client: %v", err)

// This returns a
restclient, err := New(ctx)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Unable to create vSphere REST client: %v", err)

This will authenticate against the bound vSphere environment with the bound credentials. This same code can be moved to other environments and bound to different vSphere endpoints without being rebuilt or modified!

Now let's take a look at how VSphereBinding makes this possible.

In order to bind an application to a vSphere endpoint, there are two key parts:

  1. The vCenter address and secret information (identical to Source above!)
  2. The application that is being bound (aka the "subject").
kind: VSphereBinding
  name: binding
  # Where to fetch the events, and how to auth.
  address: https://my-vsphere-endpoint.local
  skipTLSVerify: true
    name: vsphere-credentials

  # Where to bind the endpoint and credential data.
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: my-simple-app

Authentication is identical to source, so let's take a deeper look at subjects.

Binding applications (aka subjects)

Let's focus on this part of the sample binding:

# Where to bind the endpoint and credential data.
  apiVersion: apps/v1
  kind: Deployment
  name: my-simple-app

In this simple example, the binding is going to inject several environment variables and secret volumes into the containers in this exact Deployment resource.

If you would like to target a selection of resources you can also write:

# Where to bind the endpoint and credential data.
  apiVersion: batch/v1
  kind: Job
      foo: bar

Here the binding will apply to every Job in the same namespace labeled foo: bar, so this can be used to bind every Job stamped out by a CronJob resource.

At this point, you might be wondering: what kinds of resources does this support? We support binding all resources that embed a Kubernetes PodSpec in the following way (standard Kubernetes shape):

    spec: # This is a Kubernetes PodSpec.
      - image: ...

This has been tested with:

  • Knative Service and Configuration
  • Deployment
  • Job
  • DaemonSet
  • StatefulSet

Changing Log Levels

All components follow Knative logging convention and use the zap structured logging library. The log level (debug, info, error, etc.) is configurable per component, e.g. vsphere-source-webhook, VSphereSource adapter, etc.

The default logging level is info. The following sections describe how to change the individual component log levels.

Source Adapter Log Level

The log level for adapters, e.g. a particular VSphereSource deployment can be changed at runtime via the config-logging ConfigMap which is created when deploying the Tanzu Sources for Knative manifests in this repository.

⚠️ Note: These settings will affect all adapter deployments. Changes to a particular adapter deployment are currently not possible.

kubectl -n vmware-sources edit cm config-logging

An interactive editor opens. Change the settings in the JSON object under the zap-logger-config key. For example, to change the log level from info to debug use this configuration in the editor:

apiVersion: v1
  # details omitted
  zap-logger-config: |
      "level": "debug"
      "development": false,
      "outputPaths": ["stdout"],
      "errorOutputPaths": ["stderr"],
      "encoding": "json",
      "encoderConfig": {
        "timeKey": "ts",
        "levelKey": "level",
        "nameKey": "logger",
        "callerKey": "caller",
        "messageKey": "msg",
        "stacktraceKey": "stacktrace",
        "lineEnding": "",
        "levelEncoder": "",
        "timeEncoder": "iso8601",
        "durationEncoder": "",
        "callerEncoder": ""

Save and leave the interactive editor to apply the ConfigMap changes. Kubernetes will validate and confirm the changes:

configmap/config-logging edited

To verify that the Source adapter owners (e.g. vsphere-source-webhook for a VSphereSource) have noticed the desired change, inspect the log messages of the owner (here: vsphere-source-webhook) Pod:

vsphere-source-webhook-f7d8ffbc9-4xfwl vsphere-source-webhook {"level":"info","ts":"2022-03-29T12:25:20.622Z","logger":"vsphere-source-webhook","caller":"vspheresource/vsphere.go:250","msg":"update from logging ConfigMap{snip...}

⚠️ Note: To avoid unwanted disruption during event retrieval/delivery, the changes are not applied automatically to deployed adapters, i.e. VSphereSource adapter, etc. The operator is in full control over the lifecycle (downtime) of the affected Deployment(s).

To make the changes take affect for existing adapter Deployment, an operator needs to manually perform a rolling upgrade. The existing adapter Pod will be terminated and a new instanced created with the desired log level changes.

kubectl get vspheresource
NAME                SOURCE                     SINK                                                                              READY   REASON
example-vc-source   https://my-vc.corp.local   http://broker-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local/default/example-broker   True

kubectl rollout restart deployment/example-vc-source-adapter
deployment.apps/example-vc-source-adapter restarted

⚠️ Note: To avoid losing events due to this (brief) downtime, consider enabling the Checkpointing capability.

Controller and Webhook Log Level

Each of the available Tanzu Sources for Knative is backed by at least a particular webhook, e.g. vsphere-source-webhook and optionally a controller.

💡 Note: The VSphereSource and VSphereBinding implementation uses a combined deployment vsphere-source-webhook for the webhook and controller

Just like with the adapter Deployment, the log level for webhook and controller instances can be changed at runtime.

kubectl -n vmware-sources edit cm config-logging

An interactive editor opens. Change the corresponding component log level under the respective component key. The following example shows how to change the log level for the combined VSphereSource webhook and controller component from info to debug:

apiVersion: v1
  loglevel.controller: info # generic knative settings, ignore this
  loglevel.webhook: info # generic knative settings, ignore this
  loglevel.vsphere-source-webhook: debug # <- changed from info to debug
  zap-logger-config: |
      "level": "info",
      "development": false,
      "outputPaths": ["stdout"],
      "errorOutputPaths": ["stderr"],
    # details omitted

Save and leave the interactive editor to apply the ConfigMap changes. Kubernetes will validate and confirm the changes:

configmap/config-logging edited

To verify the changes, inspect the log messages of the vsphere-source-webhook Pod:

vsphere-source-webhook-f7d8ffbc9-4xfwl vsphere-source-webhook {"level":"info","ts":"2022-03-29T12:22:25.630Z","logger":"vsphere-source-webhook","caller":"logging/config.go:209","msg":"Updating logging level for vsphere-source-webhook from info to debug.","commit":"26d67c5"}