- This project using React, Redux for State Management
1. npm install
2. npm serve
- The user should be able to search by keyword for images
- Images should be shown in a grid with consistent width and height images, without
stretching the images (cropping is ok, so long as the image fills the grid space), with a default maximum of 8 images shown per search - The user should be able to add and remove a tag from images to mark or unmark
them as a favourite image
- Different app states should ideally be accounted for with UI feedback to the user, e.g.
errors, loading, etc
The client also had a few other features in mind, but considered these as secondary and only required if we’re able to fulfil the above requirements: - Add a “Fetch More” button displayed below the results that will fetch the next 8
image results for the current search
- A dedicated page that the user can go to to view their tagged favourite images at
any time
● Search Page
You can see the error image while loading, not loading yet, and already loading based on Skeleton.