Lightweight Method for Modeling Confidence in Recommendations with Learned Beta Distributions, RecSys2023
The 1st implementation of Learned Beta Distribution Model using torch.special.betainc of PyTorch (RecSys2023).
The original version LBD ( was implemented in Tensorflow.
When I tried to implement LBD model in PyTorch, betainc(regularized incomplete beta function) implementation didn't exist in PyTorch.
To use LBD model in PyTorch, I must have implemented the betainc first, referring to tensorflow-probability source code.
torch.special.betainc I implemented is faster than the version of tensorflow-probability, because it is written in c++, not python.
The implementation of 'torch.special.betainc' is under reveiw (pytorch/pytorch#132135).
You should build the source in the PR or download docker image for running this code.
docker pull voidbag/pytorch:2.4.0-cuda12.1-cudnn9-devel-wip-betainc-with-bwd-voidbag-v0.1.0
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
python ./
Configuration in baseline in origin repo
python ./ --model OrdRec --model-config-json ./OrdRec-UI_512.json --lr 7.227590331297689e-05
If you don't want 10-fold cross-validation, set cross-validation as 'false' like this.
python ./ --model OrdRec --model-config-json ./OrdRec-UI_512.json --lr 7.227590331297689e-05 --no-cross-validation
Configuration in LBD in origin repo
python ./ --model LBD --model-config-json ./LBDA_512_sum_ab.json --lr 0.001
If you don't want 10-fold cross-validation, set cross-validation as 'false' like this.
python ./ --model LBD --model-config-json ./LBDA_512_sum_ab.json --lr 0.001 --no-cross-validation
python ./ --dir-lbd ./output/LBDA_512_sum_ab/ --dir-ordrec ./output/OrdRec-UI_512/ --out-prefix ./result_plot
The performance of OrdRec-UI has been improved with full-length random sampling, not using buffer 10000
accuracy | |
OrdRec-UI | 0.43097(0.000206) |
LBD-A | 0.43500(0.000128) |
OrdRec-UI | LBD-A | |
Pearson's r (Linear Correlation) | 0.25396(0.00022) | 0.33407(0.00028) |
Kendall’s t (Rank Correlation) | 0.16179(0.00017) | 0.21901(0.00023) |