This is an opinionated haskell project starter. I plan to update it when my preferences for tooling/configuration and my comfort with heavier tooling evolves. I mostly use this for experiments, so it might lack things that are important for you.
I found myself rewriting this a few times, so I thought I'd bundle it up. Feel free to use however you see fit.
Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated.
I suggest cloning and throwing away the history:
PROJECT_NAME=<your project name goes here>
git clone --depth=1 ${PROJECT_NAME}
cd $PROJECT_NAME && rm -rf .git
git init . && git add . && git commit -m'Initial commit"
If you are using this for a serious project, you might also want to pin the
nixpkgs version by replacing pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
in shell.nix with
pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
# Descriptive name to make the store path easier to identify
name = "nixos-unstable-2018-09-12";
# Commit hash for nixos-unstable as of 2018-09-12
url = "";
# Hash obtained using `nix-prefetch-url --unpack <url>`
sha256 = "1jg7g6cfpw8qvma0y19kwyp549k1qyf11a5sg6hvn6awvmkny47v";
}) {}
- Dev environment
- Compilation tools
- cabal-install to manage dependencies and build
- Libraries and stuff
- Developer tools
- utdemir/hs-nix-template seems to be a bit more sophisticated