Angular directive for qtip2 with some other utilities
bower install --save angular-qtip2
First, load the file, with any amd loader or simply by adding the <script>
tag in your <head>
Then, add the module as a dependency of your main app module.
var app = angular.module('yourAppName', ['qtip2']);
In your code, simply add the 'qtip' attribute on the element you want to tooltip and configure your tooltip through some more attributes.
Most basic example:
<div qtip data-content="I'm a tooltip">Hi there !</div>
More complete example:
<div qtip
data-classes="qtip-tipsy qtip-shadow"
data-my="right center"
data-at="left center"
data-hide-event="mouseleave click"
data-content="I'm a tooltip">Hi there !</div>
##What's more ?
####Dynamic disable
Do disable the qtip on an element, you can pass 'false' to the qtip attribute. It will instantly destroy the associated tooltip.
<div qtip="false" data-content="I'm a tooltip">Hi there !</div>
or, dynamically
<div ng-controller="SomeController as ctrl">
<div qtip="{{ctrl.isTooltipActivated}}" data-content="I'm a tooltip">Hi there !</div>
function SomeController() {
var self = this;
self.isTooltipActivated = false; // change this value dynamically according to your needs.
####Manual control
By adding a 'data-control' attribute, you disable the 'show' event and can trigger a custom 'vqtipshow' show event by yourself. Actually, you can't target a specific tooltip with this method, so if there is many tooltips in the same scope, I can' predict what will happen :P
<div ng-controller="SomeController as ctrl">
<div qtip data-control data-content="I'm a tooltip">Hi there !</div>
function SomeController($scope) {
var self = this;
self.showTooltip = function () {
$scope.$broadcast('vqtipshow', {content: {title: "My tooltip title"}});
####Check the code
If you want to know more about this directive, just have a look at the code. There is nothing very tricky. Don't hesitate to post a ticket or a pull request to improve it.
This code is released under the MIT License (MIT)