This is an example of how to build WebRTC + telecom applications with APIdaze and Firebase.
This application is deployed to If you'd like to host this code, you just need to set up your own Firebase web application and clone/deploy this repository. You will also need to have an application created at APIdaze (
A Firebase application needs to be attached to this repository and therefore it must exist before proceeding to the next step. The creation process is straightforward, check :
Make sure you have the firebase-tools
NPM module installed globally :
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
Then proceed with logging in
$ firebase login
And initialize, then start your application locally
$ git clone
$ cd firebase_example
$ firebase init
# Step 1 : make sure to check Database, Functions, Hosting
# Step 2 : select the Firebase application you just created
# Step 3 : do not overwrite files when asked
# Step 5 : answer Yes to install NPM dependencies for Functions
# Step 6 : use 'public' as the directory to use as the public dir
$ firebase serve # Start development server
Ready to deploy to your application ? Simply issue :
$ firebase deploy # Use the Function URL as your External Script in APIdaze (see next step)
The URL that has been created as a Function URL needs to be used
in APIdaze as your External Script. It should look like this :
Just copy and pasted it when you create your External Script at
The Firebase console lets you access the database of your application. You will need to set the two attributes to your application in your Firebase database :
: the API key of your application at APIdazenumber
: a phone number from APIdaze to route to this page