Lilictocat is a simple pull request filter
# => ""
# => "no pr's to list"
It is possible to ignore archived repositories with ignore_archived
Lilictocat.get_oldest_pull_request_without_review(ignore_archived: true)
# => ""
Add Lilictocat to your mix.exs
defp deps do
{:lilictocat, "~> 0.1.0"}
After that, run mix deps.get
you will need to generate a Github personal API token with this options
- repo
- read:org
After that, add to your config.exs
config :lilictocat, github_access_token: "your_token"
config :tentacat, :deserialization_options, keys: :atoms
NOTE: if running locally, you can export via environment variable
export LILICTOCAT_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
referencing Magic The Gathering
Liliana Vess is a human planeswalker from Dominaria and is both a master necromancer and a healer, one of her main skills is to revive the dead. And this is the idea of lib, to understand which pull request is in need of more attention, "being revived"
illustrated by the fantastic Magali Villeneuve