Repo that contains an exploratory data analysis of pre-salt wells and geo data from public ANP data base. You can check by yourself the data base clicking here.
For the present analysis, we provide all necessary data files, check out "data" dir. There you can find all data related to the general wells and pre-salt wells.
The georeferencing data is sited in "Campos" dir. There you can find .shp
files related to some Petroleum fields provided by ANP.
Remark: This work IS NOT related to our jobs. We do it in our free time.
You can find what we are doing in the eda_anp_presentation_pyBR14.ipynb
sited in "notebook" dir. Check it out! That notebook was used as a base to the
presentation Diego did at Python Brasil[14], the biggest brazilian Python conference.
To enjoy the best, download the .ipynb
and run locally in your computer (instructions below).
Essentially we did an exploratory data analysis to answer and visualizate more easily some data related to wells. Special attention was given to pre-salt wells, knowing that they are a very promising energy source to Brazil.
So, looking for an easy visualization, we employ some data analysis over a map. Breafly speaking, we used:
- pandas for handling the data set;
- GeoPandas for handling georeferencing
and associate files; - Folium to build maps;
- Altair, Seaborn and Matplotlib to data visualization.
We use conda envs and strongly recommend you do the same. If you use conda, we provide our environment.yml
for you, just install from our file and you will have the same environment than us, readily reproducible.
Others package manager will be available soon.
- Install our environment;
- Create a branch to your work;
- Do your contribution in your branch;
- After you finished, send us a PR.
Remark: If you added some extra packages to the environment, please update the environment.yml
in the PR too.
Yes, but please cite us properly under MIT license.
One can contact us through the emails:
- Diego Volpatto:
- Eduardo Bürgel: