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This firmware is intended to be a fully object-oriented highly modular control p
rogram for RepRap self-replicating 3D printers.

It owes a lot to Marlin and to the original RepRap FiveD_GCode.

General design principles:

  * Control by RepRap G Codes.  These are taken to be machine independent, 
     though some may be unsupported.
  * Full use of C++ OO techniques,
  * Make classes hide their data,
  * Make everything as stateless as possible,
  * No use of conditional compilation except for #include guards - if you 
      need that, you should be forking the repository to make a new 
      branch - let the repository take the strain,
  * Concentration of all machine-dependent defintions and code in Platform.h 
      and Platform.cpp,
  * No specials for (X,Y) or (Z) - all movement is 3-dimensional,
  * Try to be efficient in memory use, but this is not critical,
  * Labour hard to be efficient in time use, and this is  critical,
  * Don't abhor floats - they work fast enough if you're clever,
  * Don't avoid arrays and structs/classes,
  * Don't avoid pointers,
  * Use operator and function overloading where appropriate, particulary for 
      vector algebra.


This version is for the Arduino Due with an Ethernet shield with an SD card and
the RepRapPro Ltd Arduino DUE to Sanguinololu Adaptor.


Test compiling was with Arduino 1.5.2.

Upload it to your Due, put the ether shield on it, plug in a
network cable, and copy the files in the SD-image folder onto the SD.

The IP address for your browser is

You can change that in Platform.h if you need to:

#define IP0 192
#define IP1 168
#define IP2 1
#define IP3 14

The password when the web browser asks for it is "reprap" with no quotes.

The password is intended to stop fidgety friends or colleagues from playing
with your RepRap.  It is not intended to stop international cyberterrorists
working in a hollowed-out volcano from controlling your RepRap from the next 
continent.  For example, it is transmitted unencrypted...

If you open the Arduino serial monitor (115200 baud) you should see a
log of incoming HTTP requests and a record of any G Codes it thinks it
has to act upon.

Actually acting upon them will be added shortly :-)


Version 0.2 pre-alpha

Started: 18 November 2012
This date: 1 March 2013

Adrian Bowyer
RepRap Professional Ltd

Licence: GPL


OO C++ RepRap Firmware







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