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JS binders and tools to interact with the Elpi lambda-prolog interpreter written in OCaml.

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This project aims to provide an easy way to use the Elpi lambda-prolog interpreter (homepage here), written in OCaml, in a completely web based setting.

See the DEMO.

What's in

This is done in a three step process :

  • The Elpi_api in OCaml is compiled into a web worker using the js_of_ocaml compiler. It creates the lib/elpi-js.js file from .ml sources in the src folder.
  • A small API is given to handle the lifecycle of the worker and communicate with it in the lib/elpi-api.js file.
  • Finally a set of bindings for ReasonML is provided [TODO] for easy use of the api in web oriented projects.

Node-based project

The project is not yet published to npm, but you can add it to your project via git :

yarn add

And then simply use the javascript sources in the node_modules/elpi-js/lib folder or ask bsbto use the Reason bindings by adding elpi-js to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json.


Once the elpi-api.js file is loaded you can easily create a new Elpi worker by instantiating the elpi class with some callback functions for handling the results :

function log(l, p, t) { 
      console.log(l, p, t);

function answer(arg, ass) {
      console.log(arg, ass);

const elp = new Elpi(log, answer);

You can then send program to compile to Elpi :

elp.compile([{ name: "toto.elpi", 
               content: "world \"hello\". world \"pussycat\"."}]);

And query them :

elp.queryAll("world A.");

API documentation

 * @file Elpi-api
 * This file provide a small api to communicate
 * with elpi-worker to run lambda-prolog programs
 * in the browser

function generateUUID() { // Public Domain/MIT
  var d = new Date().getTime();
  if (typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof === 'function'){
      d +=; //use high-precision timer if available
  return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
      var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
      d = Math.floor(d / 16);
      return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);

 *  The main class, handling the lifecycle of
 * the Elpi Worker. 
 * */
class Elpi {
   * Creates a worker.
   * @callback loggerCB
   *    @param {string} lvl 
   *       The log level (Info, Warning or Error).
   *    @param {string} prefix
   *       The prefix, "who" sent the message.
   *    @param {string} text
   *       The text of the message
   *  The callback used when the Worker asks for logging
   * @callback answerCB
   *    @param {array(string)} args 
   *       The args of the answer
   *    @param {array(string)} assignements
   *       The assignements of the args
   *  The callback used when the Worker gives an answer
  constructor(loggerCB, answerCB);

   * Sends some files for compilation to the Worker.
   * It returns a promise.
   * At the end of the execution the worker will resolve
   * the promise with the list of declared types. 
   * Or reject it with an error message.
   * @param {array({name: string, content: string})} files
   *   An array of files. Files are describded using two
   * strings: the name of the file and its content.
   *   All files in the array will be compiled and ready
   * to be queried (if no errors where found)
   * @returns {Promise}

   * Sends the query to the worker. The worker will
   * then send successivley all the answers to that query.
   * It also returns a promise. 
   * At the end of the execution the worker will resolve
   * the promise with the array of all answers.
   * Or reject it with an error message.
   * @param {string} code
   *   The code of the query. It must end by a dot.
   *   For example "plus 2 4 Res."
   * @returns {Promise}

   * Stop and restart the Elpi Worker
   * Returns a promise which is stored 
   * in the start property.
   * @returns {Promise}


export default Elpi;


JS binders and tools to interact with the Elpi lambda-prolog interpreter written in OCaml.






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