This project let you run a typical OpenDaylight SDN application such as CoE or netvirt without requiring the Apache Karaf OSGi runtime container.
See this presentation given in 2018.09 at the ODL DDF during ONS Europe in Amsterdam for some background.
In July 2020, it was Archived here on GitHub (and in the Arctic Code Vault, LOL), but it now lives on at the hosted in the odl-micro repository!
The code in the odl-micro repositority was originally imported from this repository. The git history was fully preserved for appropriate attribution. The ARCHIVE branch reflects the exact state before the move; including the original README etc. (The issue-102_Signed-off-by branch reflects the exact commit as imported into odl-micro on; see issue #102 for full background.)
Please contact's active developers via (or one of the to engage on odl-micro.