This is a repo to diagnose issues in glider data such as CTD thermal lag.
This is a work in progress, all contributions welcome!
Install from PyPI with
python -m pip install glidertest
Install a local, development version of this by cloning the repo, opening a terminal in the home directory (next to this readme file) and running these commands:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .
This installs glidertest locally. -e ensures that any edits you make in the files will be picked up by scripts that import functions from glidertest.
Documentation website at
Check out the example notebook notebooks/demo.ipynb
for example functionality
As input, glidertest takes OceanGliders format files
All contributions are welcome! Please clone the repo and install a local development version of glidertest
as described in the Install section above. All new functions should include tests, you can run the tests locally and generate a coverage report with:
pytest --cov=glidertest --cov-report term-missing tests/
Try to ensure that all the lines of your contribution are covered in the tests.