Cube3x3x3 is a simple arduino library for driving a 3x3x3 led cube.
Goals: Make this library drive not only 3x3x3 led cube, but any NxNxN cube (of course there must be hardware for interaction with cubes bigger than 3x3x3)
To use library do:
Than place Cube3x3x3 in /usr/share/arduino/libraries/ or place where you store arduino libraries
Run Arduino IDE and load Cube3x3x3 example
Sample usage:
#include <Cube3x3x3.h>
#define SIZE 3
#define COLS (SIZE*SIZE)
byte levelPins[SIZE] = {11,12,13};
byte colPins[COLS] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
LedCube cube(SIZE, levelPins, colPins);
int r = 0;
void setup (){}
void loop ()
for (byte j = 0; j < SIZE; j++){
There is several API methods available. You can you use it to compose more complex sequences for lighting leds
// returns arduino pin number corresponding to column
int getColPin(int r);
// returns arduino pin number corresponding to row
int getLevelPin(int lv);
// lights one LED diode
void lightOne(byte level, byte col, boolean clean );
// lights leds by perimter on the given raw
void lightPerimetr(byte row);
// makes _blink_ leds in perimetr of the given raw,
// with _pause_ between blinking, _count_ times
void pulsePerimetr(byte row, byte count, int pause);
void lightOneOff(byte col);
// lights on row of leds
void lightRow(byte row, int ms);
// lights one column of leds
void lightCol(byte col, int pause, boolean clean);
- Version: 0.1.0
- URL:
- author :
Make API more simple, for know some of the API calls have delay argument and others - no (you need to call delay() function manually)
Add sequence API method. For creating sequences of API calls. This can help for creating more fun effects =)
Make library drive N x N x N led cube.