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Voxeet UXKit iOS

The Swift UXKit is a framework based on iOS SDK.

Installing the UXKit

Follow this instruction to install the Swift UXKit.


Before installing the Swift UXKit, ensure that you meet the minimum hardware and software requirements.

  • Operating systems: iOS 12.0 and later
  • Integrated development environment: Xcode 13+
  • Language: Swift 5.5.2
  • Supported architectures: arm64, x86_64

Before you start

Before the installation, obtain your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

  1. Select the SIGN IN link located in the upper right corner of the page. Log in using your email and password.
  2. Click the DASHBOARD link visible in the upper right corner of the website.
  3. Select your application from the APPLICATIONS category located on the left side menu.
  4. Select the API Keys category from the drop-down menu visible under your application.
  5. In the Communications APIs section, you can access your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.


  1. Open Xcode and go to Target settingsCapabilitiesBackground Modes to set up your project and enable the proper background modes.
  2. Enable the Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture and Voice over IP options.

Note: To enable the VoIP push notifications with CallKit, enable push notifications and upload your VoIP push certificate to the developer portal. Read this Manage push notifications wiki page for more information.

  1. Add the following keys to the Info.plist file to enable the required permissions:

    • Privacy: Microphone Usage Description
    • Privacy: Camera Usage Description
  2. Install the SDK using Swift Package Manager, Carthage, CocoaPods, or install the SDK manually.

Install the SDK using Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies. The Swift Package Manager is supported in UXKit 1.6.5 and later versions.

  1. Select FileAdd Packages… to add package dependency.
  2. In the opened window, find the search box and specify the URL to the SDK repository:
  3. Choose VoxeetUXKit from the results list.
  4. Check if the VoxeetUXKit package is listed in the Package Dependencies tab.
  5. Check if the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content category contains the VoxeetUXKit library.

For more information, see additional instructions in the Apple Developer Documentation.

Install the SDK using Carthage

  • Use the following Homebrew commands to install Carthage:
brew update
brew install carthage
  • Specify the UXKit version in Cartfile to integrate UXKit into the Xcode project:
github "voxeet/voxeet-uxkit-ios" ~> 1.0
  • Run carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS to build the frameworks and drag and drop VoxeetUXKit.xcframework, VoxeetSDK.xcframework, dvclient.xcframework, dvdnr.xcframework, WebRTC.xcframework and Kingfisher.xcframework to the Embedded Binaries category in your Xcode project.

Note: For more information about building platform-specific bundles using Carthage, see the Carthage documentation.

Install the SDK using CocoaPods

  • Install CocoaPods using the following command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
  • Specify UXKit version in Podfile to integrate UXKit into the Xcode project:
pod 'VoxeetUXKit', '~> 1.0'
  • Run pod install to build dependencies.

Install the SDK manually

  • Download the latest UXKit and SDK zip files using the following links:

  • Unzip the downloaded files and drag and drop the frameworks to your Xcode project.

  • Select the Copy items if needed option using the proper target. In the general tab of your target, add the VoxeetUXKit.xcframework, VoxeetSDK.xcframework, dvclient.xcframework, dvdnr.xcframework and WebRTC.xcframework to the Embedded Binaries category.

  • Download the Kingfisher library from GitHub and install the framework manually or using Carthage or CocoaPods.

After the installation, check if the Kingfisher library is included on the the list of libraries. If you installed the library manually or you used Carthage, check if the Kingfisher.xcframework library is mentioned in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content category in your Xcode project. If you installed the library using CocoaPods, check if the Kingfisher library is included inside the Pods project in the client xcworkspace.

Configuring UXKit

The Swift UXKit provides a few additional parameters that offer an additional configuration.

  • Use the appearMaximized parameter to maximize and minimize a conference. By default, the conference is maximized. Change the value to false if you wish to minimize a conference.
VoxeetUXKit.shared.appearMaximized = true
  • Use the telecom parameter to change the application behavior. If the parameter value is set to true, the conference behaves similarly to a phone call where a participant who leaves a call, triggers the end of the call. If the parameter value is set to false, participants can leave a call without ending the call.
VoxeetUXKit.shared.telecom = false
  • If you want to use CallKit, you can configure the default CallKit settings. CallKit offers the default ringtone and image icon that you can change. By default, the SDK uses the CallKitSound.mp3 ringtone for CallKit notifications. If you wish to use a different ringtone, replace the CallKitSound.mp3 file with another mp3 file. If you wish to use a different image icon, replace the default IconMask.png image with another image (40px x 40px).

Using UXKit

The following procedure explains how to initialize the iOS SDK, open a session, and create and join a conference. If you wish to see more information about using the iOS SDK, see the documents available in the Getting Started section or check the Reference documentation.

  1. Use the initialize method to initialize the Voxeet SDK.
import VoxeetSDK
import VoxeetUXKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

        // Voxeet SDK initialization.
        VoxeetSDK.shared.initialize(consumerKey: "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY", consumerSecret: "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET")

        // Example of public variables to change the conference behavior.
        VoxeetSDK.shared.pushNotification.push.type = .none
        VoxeetSDK.shared.conference.defaultBuiltInSpeaker = false
        VoxeetSDK.shared.conference.defaultVideo = false
        VoxeetUXKit.shared.appearMaximized = true
        VoxeetUXKit.shared.telecom = false

        return true

Note: For more information about integrating the Communications Client SDK into your application, see the reference documentation or the Initializing document.

  1. Open a new session.
let info = VTParticipantInfo(externalID: "1234", name: "Username", avatarURL: "") info) { error in }

Note: The SDK invite process requires invitees to use the open method to be able to receive the conference invitations. If you use CallKit, you can receive conference invitations even when you do not have an open session.

  1. Call the create and join methods to create and join a conference.
// Create a conference (with a custom conference alias).
let options = VTConferenceOptions()
options.alias = conferenceAlias

VoxeetSDK.shared.conference.create(options: options, success: { conference in
    // Join the created conference.
    let joinOptions = VTJoinOptions() = false

    VoxeetSDK.shared.conference.join(conference: conference, options: joinOptions, success: { conference in
        // Success
    }, fail: { error in
        // Error
}, fail: { error in
    // Error

Note: For more information about joining conferences, see the Conferencing document.

  1. Call the leave method to leave the conference.
VoxeetSDK.shared.conference.leave { error in }
  1. Call the close method to close the current session. The method closes the web socket and does not allow sending the VoIP push notifications.
VoxeetSDK.shared.session.close { error in }

Open Source Projects

The Voxeet iOS SDK and UXKit rely on these open source projects:

  • Kingfisher, provides an async image downloader with cache support.
  • Starscream, a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library.
  • Alamofire, an HTTP networking library.
  • SwiftyJSON, a tool for handling JSON data.