Load and access MagicaVoxel model files (.vox) through a simple, clean interface.
The code is just a single header and source file with no dependencies. You can include them in your project directly.
Quick example:
VoxFile voxFile(true, true); // The parameters indicate to load models as both dense and sparse (see below)
const VoxDenseModel& denseModel = voxFile.denseModels().at(0); // 3D array of voxels
const VoxSparseModel& sparseModel = voxFile.sparseModels().at(0); // List of non-empty voxels
cout << "Color index at x=0, y=2, z=4 is: " << denseModel.voxel(0, 2, 4) << endl;
cout << "There are " << sparseModel.voxels().size() << " voxels in the first model." << endl;
The color palette is also available:
const Color& color = denseModel.palette().at(10);
cout << "RGBA of color 10 is: " << color.r << ',' << color.g << ',' << color.b << ',' << color.a << endl;
And since everyone needs a console voxel ray tracer with skew-isometric 3D graphics, here's a full example:
#include "vox_file.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace magicavoxel;
char rgbaToChar(const magicavoxel::Color& color)
static const int n_intensity_levels = 4;
static const std::array<char, n_intensity_levels> intensity_char{'°', '±', '²', 'Û'};
int intensity = (77 * color.r + 151 * color.g + 28 * color.b) /
(256 * 255 / (n_intensity_levels-1)) + 1;
return intensity_char.at(intensity);
int main()
static const int kPixelWidth = 2;
VoxFile voxFile(true);
for (const auto& model : voxFile.denseModels()) {
cout << endl;
const Size& size = model.size();
for (int sy = 0; sy < size.z + size.y - 1; ++sy) {
for (int sx = 0; sx < size.x + size.y - 1; ++sx) {
int ray_x = -static_cast<int>(size.y) + 1 + sx;
int ray_y = 0;
int ray_z = static_cast<int>(size.z) - 1 + static_cast<int>(size.y) - 1 - sy;
while (ray_y < size.y) {
if (ray_x >= 0 && ray_x < size.x &&
ray_y >= 0 && ray_y < size.y &&
ray_z >= 0 && ray_z < size.z) {
const uint8_t color_idx = model.voxel(ray_y, ray_x, ray_z);
if (color_idx) {
cout << string(kPixelWidth, rgbaToChar(model.palette().at(color_idx)));
if (ray_y == static_cast<int>(size.y)) cout << string(kPixelWidth, ' ');
cout << endl;
return 0;
Original model:
Hey no worries, you have all of the data needed to do better than a lousy console renderer.