The Dockerfile for this image is available in the PuppetDB repository here.
The PuppetDB container requires a working postgres container or other suitably configured PostgreSQL database. With that in place, you can run PuppetDB like so:
docker run --link postgres:postgres --link puppet:puppet puppet/puppetdb
You can change configuration settings by mounting volumes containing configuration files or by using this image as a base image. For the defaults, see the Dockerfile and supporting folders.
For more details about PuppetDB, see the official documentation.
See the pupperware repository for how to run a full Puppet stack using Docker Compose.
Name | Usage / Default |
CERTNAME | The DNS name used on this services SSL certificatepuppetdb |
DNS_ALT_NAMES | Additional DNS names to add to the services SSL certificate Unset |
WAITFORCERT | Number of seconds to wait for certificate to be signed120 |
USE_PUPPETSERVER | Set to false to skip acquiring SSL certificates from a Puppet Server.true |
PUPPETSERVER_HOSTNAME | The DNS hostname of the puppet masterpuppet |
PUPPETSERVER_PORT | The port of the puppet master8140 |
PUPPETDB_POSTGRES_HOSTNAME | The DNS hostname of the postgres servicepostgres |
PUPPETDB_POSTGRES_PORT | The port for postgres5432 |
PUPPETDB_POSTGRES_DATABASE | The name of the puppetdb database in postgrespuppetdb |
PUPPETDB_USER | The puppetdb database userpuppetdb |
PUPPETDB_PASSWORD | The puppetdb database passwordpuppetdb |
PUPPETDB_NODE_TTL | Mark as ‘expired’ nodes that haven’t seen any activity (no new catalogs, facts, or reports) in the specified amount of time7d |
PUPPETDB_NODE_PURGE_TTL | Automatically delete nodes that have been deactivated or expired for the specified amount of time14d |
PUPPETDB_REPORT_TTL | Automatically delete reports that are older than the specified amount of time14d |
PUPPETDB_JAVA_ARGS | Arguments passed directly to the JVM when starting the -Xms256m -Xmx256m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xloggc:/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetdb/logs/puppetdb_gc.log -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 |
PUPPERWARE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED | Set to 'true' to enable Google Analytics.false |
The directory structure follows the following conventions. The full path is always available inside the container as the environment variable $SSLDIR
The puppetdb container collects usage data. This is disabled by default. You can enable it by passing --env PUPPERWARE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED=true
to your docker run
- Version of the puppetdb container.
- Anonymized IP address is used by Google Analytics for Geolocation data, but the IP address is not collected.
We collect data to help us understand how the containers are used and make decisions about upcoming changes.
This is disabled by default.