Xfig with the additional functionality of designing and generating animated slides. This is particularly useful for easily animating a static .fig figure as part of a beamer (latex) presentation.
Please visit http://vporpo.me/xfig_slides/index.html for a more detailed tutorial on how to use the slides feature.
The process is similar to the one described in the INSTALL file.
For enabling slides, you just need to make sure you are using the --enable-slides
option when configuring.
For a detailed description please read the INSTALL file.
$ ./configure --enable-slides --with-appdefaultdir=/etc/X11/app-defaults/
$ make
$ sudo make install
Note: If you skip "--with-appdefaultdir=/etc/X11/app-defaults/", make install will install the key bindings file "Fig" in the default /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/ directory instead, which does not seem to work on my system.
For a debug build:
$ CFLAGS="-O0 -g3" ./configure --enable-slides --with-appdefaultdir=/etc/X11/app-defaults/
$ make
The current version of Xfig-slides is based on xfig-3.2.6a