This is the main Mynewt development repository. It contains the major Mynewt packages that are being worked on, along with a few projects used for compiling the packages into working projects, these are:
- bin2img: takes a compiled binary, and generates a image file suitable for use with the stack bootloader.
- boot: Project to build the bootloader for test platforms.
- main: Basic project for test platforms, that includes and builds all relevant packages.
- test: Test project which can be compiled either with the simulator, or on a per-architecture basis. Test will run all the package's unit tests.
The dev_test repository includes the following packages:
- OS: Core RTOS
- CMSIS-CORE: Cortex M abstractions, packaged from ARM mbed distribution.
- FFS: Flash filesystem, optimized for small flashes.
- FFSUTIL: Utility functions for using the FFS package.
- BOOTUTIL: Core bootloader functions used by the boot project.
- NETUTIL: Network utilities shared amongst networking stacks.
These packages are imported into this repository using git subtrees. To see a full set of remote repositories, look at the script, which adds the remote repositories.
Additionally, this repostiory contains board support packages for the following boards:
- olimex_stm32-e407_devboard: Board Support for the Olimex STM32-E407
- olimex_stm32-e407_devboard-boot: Board Support for the Olimex STM32-E407 bootloader.
And MCU related packages for the following microcontrollers:
- STM32F4XX: MCU definitions for the STMicro F4XX processor series.
- Native: Native (Simulated) MCU definitions.
In order to update these repositories, git subtree merging should be employed, where changes are made locally and tested within the dev_test repository first, and then pushed upstream once tested.
The code in this repository is all under either the Apache 2 license, or a license compatible with the Apache 2 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
For any questions on the dev_test repository, please contact the Mynewt developer's list (