This repository provides the API catalog of the Finnish National Data Exchange Layer ( palveluväylä). The catalog provides a search engine for the interfaces available on the data exchange layer.
The catalog is available at A development sandbox of the catalog is available at
- Vagrant (tested on 1.8.4)
- VirtualBox (tested on 5.0.20)
Clone the repository and its submodules, and start Vagrant:
git clone
cd api-catalog/
git submodule update --init --recursive
vagrant up
After Ansible provisions the system, the service will be running in the virtual machine and is available from your host machine at
User credentials for an administrator are admin:admin
, and test:test
for a regular user.
To reprovision the server (i.e. to run Ansible) again:
vagrant provision
You can ssh into the server:
vagrant ssh
And you can also run Ansible manually inside the virtual machine:
vagrant ssh
cd /src/ansible
ansible-playbook -v -i inventories/vagrant deploy-all.yml
With Vagrant, the host machine shares the working directory into the virtual machine. The web server uses the CKAN extensions directly from the source code via symlinks. Depending on what you change however, some extra rules apply:
- If you edit a Jinja template, changes apply instantly (only page refresh required)
- If you edit Python code of the extensions, you need to restart the WSGI server (
vagrant ssh
andsudo supervisorctl restart all
). - If you edit Javascript, you need to run the frontend build to compile and minify files (
vagrant ssh
,cd /vagrant/ansible
andansible-playbook -v -i inventories/vagrant frontend-build.yml
Navigate into the root folder of module which translation keys need to be updated and run following commands:
# Need to be ran only if it's first time to extract translations
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
python extract_messages
├── ansible
│ ├── deploy-all.yml Top-level playbook for configuring complete service
│ ├── inventories Target server lists (hostname, ssh user and key)
│ ├── roles Main configuration
│ └── vars Variables common for all roles
│ ├── api-catalog-secrets Passwords and other secrets (not included here)
│ ├── common.yml Variables common for all roles and environments
│ ├── environment-specific Configuration specific for each deployment env
│ └── secrets-defaults.yml Default passwords, used in Vagrant
├── ckanext Custom CKAN extensions, main source directory
├── doc Documentation
└── Vagrantfile Configuration for local development environment
Please file a new issue at GitHub.
This material is copyright (c) 2015-2020 Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Finland.
CKAN-related content like CKAN extensions are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 whose full text may be found at:
All other content in this repository is licensed under the MIT license.