This window manager keep the philosophy of unix
Linux Use :- If there is terminal there is a way.
Developer User :- If there is vim there is geek.
[Mod] - Window Kye (Microsoft) / Command Kye(Mac Os)
[Mod]+[Tag] - To focus on another tag
[Shift]+[Mod]+[Tag] - move active window to the 2 tag.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[Enter] - launch terminal.
[Mod]+[b] - show/hide bar.
[Mod]+[p] - dmenu for running programs like the x-www-browser.
[Mod]+[Enter] - push acive window from stack to master, or pulls last used window from stack onto master.
[Mod] + [j / k] - focus on next/previous window in current tag.
[Mod] + [h / l] - increases / decreases master size
[Mod] + [i / d] - To change the amount of windows in the master area
[Mod]+[Return] - To toggle a window between the master and stack area, press.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[c] - To kill a window
[Mod]+[x] - To kill a window. ( Right click discard) - User define
[Mod]+[Shift]+[space] - will toggle floating mode on for active window. (Very useful without disturbing current mode)
[Mod]+[Space] - toggles to the previous layout mode.
[Mod]+[0] - view all windows on screen.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[0] - make focused window appear on all tags.
[Mod]+[Ctrl]+[Tag] - Import all window from multiple tag number( Press it again to send it back)
[Mod]+[Ctrl]+[Shift][Tag]-Export current window to multiple tag number ( Press it again to bright it back)
- [Left click ] + [Tag Number ] - Jumpt to tag
- [Right click ] + [Over Tag Number ] - Bring all windows of that tag into current
- [Mod]+[right mouse button] - to resize the floating window
- [Mod]+[left mouse button] - to move it around.
- [Mod]+[middle mouse button] - onto the window, to toggle being floating (Very useful without disturbing current mode )
By default dwm is in tiled layout mode.
- [Mod]+[t] - Tiled mode.
- [Mod]+[f] - floating mode.
- [Mod]+[m] - monocle mode.
- [Mod]+[c] - Center master mode.
- [CTRL]+[Mod]+[c] - Center floating master mode.
- [Mod]+[g] - Grid mode.
I am using multiple monitor and it's working well.
- [Mod]+[,] - focus previous screen
- [Mod}+[.] - focus next screen
- [Mod]+[Shift]+[,] - send window to previous screen
- [Mod]+[Shift]+[.] - send window to next screen
- [Shift]+[Mod]+[q] - Reload dwm with latest configuration and settings.
- For quiting/restart of system, I would prefer to
init 0/6
orshutdown now
(without any delay)
- By default dwm is showing dwm-X.X in its statusbar. This text can be changed by setting the WM_NAME property of the root window.
- For simplicity I would prefer to work with
see conky and it's configuration
For my own preference , I have added few patches which suite my working style.
- By default dwm is showing dwm-X.X in its statusbar. This text can be changed by setting the WM_NAME property of the root window.
- For simplicity I would prefer to work with
see conky and it's configuration - My custom patch by my self at here
Users often confuse dwm's tagging system with workspaces (or virtual desktops). Once you understand that tags are not workspaces, you'll realise why dwm was given its name - dynamic window manager - and how powerful it is.
A tag is simply a label placed on windows. A window may have one or more tags. Tags provide no other functionality.
- Suckless Terminal
( ) - Suckless Slock
( - My IDE using ( VIM + UNIX) (
- Add support natural scrolling support for the touchapad,mouse
- Add notification( i.e. skype,teams message pop up on screen), help on bettery notification
- Add sound card(mic and volume) change/select support for the system
- Add dual clock into dmenu.
- Add screen lock support
- Toggle auto screen brightness
- Add support for xclip with hotkey
- Check battery health using command line.
- Show/Hde fan speed or sensor list with its low/high normal temperature
- Implemente Scrot for the screen capture.
- Secure ssh agent ( ref.
- if power cable attached then change the icon. in dmenu.
Button1 = Left Mouse Click Button2 = Middle Mouse Click Button3 = Right Mouse Click
ClkTagBar = TagBar(1..9) ClkClientWin = Work with Window ClkLtSymbol = ClkStatusText = ClkWinTitle = ClkClientWin || ClkRootWin =