Those are utility functions to facilitate day-to-day jobs on the command line. All functions follow the following format:
Action [Target] [Quantity] [Quality] [Destination]
Action is any verb that defined actions to be executed, such as get, peek or replace.
Target can be any IT object like file, memory or connection.
Quantity can be any quantifiable output like 5.
Quality can show, for example, direction (back/forth) when applying replacement.
Destination can be any destination (such as a file) where the pattern is searched.
Vitali Avagyan: @vitali87
file into a location of your choice, e.g. into
. Then add this line to your~/.bashrc
source ~/Documents/utility/
Navigate to the desired folder (or alternatively specify the full path) containing the archive file - thunderbird in this example - and execute the following command:
extract thunderbird-91.3.0.tar.bz2
To run tests, run the following command
It will fail with an informative message.
Here are some related projects:
Optimisations in the code are highly welcomed:
- refactors
- performance improvements
- accessibility
👩💻 I'm currently working on:
🧠 I'm currently learning advanced OOP:
👯♀️ I'm looking to collaborate on anything related to data science, linux, python and cloud
🤔 I'm looking for help with new ideas for automation
💬 Ask me about anything tech related.
📫 How to reach me
😄 Pronouns he/his
⚡️ Fun fact...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), R, Python, MatLab, MySQL, GNU/Linux, Apache Spark, AIMMS/GAMS, Kubernetes
Highly skilled Data Scientist/ML Engineer specialised in statistics, cloud/Big Data computing, optimisation, simulation, and software engineering.
Hands-on experience with many programming, modelling, and database languages including R, Python, MatLab, SQL, AIMMS/GAMS with their various accompanying packages. Proficient in data aggregation, visualization, statistical/ machine learning, and optimisation techniques applied to energy, finance, and supply chain/logistics sectors.
Well-versed with Linux (Kali) and cloud-based programming techniques in Amazon Web Services (AWS), distributed Machine Learning (Apache Spark), and Deep Learning (Keras/TF).
Excellent writing, verbal and communication skills. Has very good interpersonal and transferable skills demonstrated by the outcome/impact of conducted work both verbally and through infographics/presentation.
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at
Additional utility functions
more things to come
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd utility
Install dependencies
For support, email or send a message to my LinkedIn