Implementation of Aerospike binary protocol in Erlang
Aerospike Binary protocol is described in 'doc/Aerospike_packet_structure.txt'.
Aerospike Cluster Discovery is described in 'doc/Aerospike_cluster_discovery.txt'.
$ make compile
$ make eunit
Examples can be run in the following environments:
- Aerospike Cluster Standard/Enterprise/Cloud (;
- Aerospike Cluster Community Edition (CE) (;
- Aerospike Server Emulator (
To start Aerospike Cluster Community edition follow the instructions on
To start Aerospike Server Emulator:
Run command 'iex -S mix' from 'aspike-server' director;
Aerospike Server Emulator listens for the Aerospike protocol on port 4041;
Aerospike Server Emulator listens for text protocol on port 4040;
Use text protocol to create namespace 'test' for examples that involve Key-Value operations:
Start telnet or nc (aka netcat) in a separate terminal:
$ nc -vv 4040
type in:
to check that namespace 'test' exists type in:
$ rebar3 shell
Erlang/OTP ...
Aerospike uses Blowfish cipher to encrypt password that is sent from client to cluster.
Aerospike has some specifics in Blowfish cipher implementation.
'aspike_blowfish:crypt/1' implements the Aerospike-specific Blowfish cipher.
WARNING: The encryption rate of the implementation is slow.
To encrypt password
> Encrypted = aspike_blowfish:crypt("password").
NOTE: Aerospike CE does not require LOGIN, but accept LOGIN as no op.
> c("examples/login_example.erl").
% Login to Aerospike CE
> login_example:login("", 3000, "User", "pwd").
% Login to Aerospike Emulator
> login_example:login("", 4041, "User1", "pass1").
NOTE: Aerospike Emulator does not support cluster information retrieval at the present time.
> c("examples/info.erl").
> info_example:info("", 3000, "", "", ["build"], 1000).
> info_example:info("", 3000, "", "", ["namespaces"], 1000).
> info_example:info("", 3000, "", "", ["partitions", "replicas"], 1000).
> c("examples/put_example.erl").
% PUT, Aerospike CE
> put_example:put("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1", [{"bin1", "value1"}]).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% PUT, Aerospike Emulator
% Encrypt password for Aerospike Emulator
> Encrypted_password = aspike_blowfish:crypt("pass1").
> put_example:put("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1", [{"bin1", "value1"}]).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
> c("examples/get_example.erl").
% GET, Aerospike CE
> get_example:get("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1", []).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
[], [{<<"bin1">>,"value1"}]
% GET, Aerospike Emulator
> get_example:get("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1", ["bin1"]).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
[], [{<<"bin1">>,"value1"}]
> c("examples/get_example.erl").
% REMOVE, Aerospike CE
> remove_example:remove("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1").
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% REMOVE again
> remove_example:remove("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1").
{2,<<"AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND">>, <<"Record does not exist in database.">>}
% REMOVE, Aerospike Emulator
> remove_example:remove("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1").
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% REMOVE again
> remove_example:remove("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1").
{2,<<"AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND">>, <<"Record does not exist in database.">>}
> c("examples/exists_example.erl").
%% Aerospike CE section
% First, PUT Key-Value
> put_example:put("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1", [{"bin1", "value1"}]).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% Next, check that Key EXISTS
> exists_example:exists("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1").
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% GET Key
> get_example:get("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1", []).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
[], [{<<"bin1">>,"value1"}]
% Now, REMOVE Key
> remove_example:remove("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1").
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% Check again, whether the Key exists
> exists_example:exists("", 3000, "", "", "test", "set1", "key1").
{2,<<"AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND">>, <<"Record does not exist in database.">>}
%% Aerospike CE section. End
%% Aerospike Emulator section
% First, PUT Key-Value
> put_example:put("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1", [{"bin1", "value1"}]).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% Next, check that Key EXISTS
> exists_example:exists("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1").
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% GET Key
> get_example:get("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1", ["bin1"]).
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
[], [{<<"bin1">>,"value1"}]
% Now, REMOVE Key
> remove_example:remove("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1").
{0,<<"AEROSPIKE_OK">>,<<"Generic success.">>}
% Check again, whether the Key exists
> exists_example:exists("", 4041, "User1", Encrypted_password, "test", "set1", "key1").
{2,<<"AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND">>, <<"Record does not exist in database.">>}
%% Aerospike Emulator section. End