This is a PHP agent for's APM product: Laravel & Lumen package
Please note that currently only the v1
intake API of the APM server is supported, v2
is in planing.
The recommended way to install the agent is through Composer.
Run the following composer command
php composer.phar require philkra/elastic-apm-php-agent
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent( [ 'appName' => 'demo' ] );
When creating the agent, you can directly inject shared contexts such as user, tags and custom.
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent( [ 'appName' => 'with-custom-context' ], [
'user' => [
'id' => 12345,
'email' => '',
'tags' => [
// ... more key-values
'custom' => [
// ... more key-values
] );
The agent can capture all types or errors and exceptions that are implemented from the interface Throwable
$agent->captureThrowable( new Exception() );
Addings spans ( is easy. Please consult the documentation for your exact needs. Below is an example for adding a MySQL span.
$trxName = 'GET /some/transaction/name';
// create the agent
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent(['appName' => 'Demo with Spans']);
// start a new transaction
$transaction = $agent->startTransaction($trxName);
// create a span
$spans = [];
$spans[] = [
'name' => 'Your Span Name. eg: ORM Query',
'type' => 'db.mysql.query',
'start' => 300, // when did tht query start, relative to the transaction start, in milliseconds
'duration' => 23, // duration, in milliseconds
'stacktrace' => [
'function' => "\\YourOrMe\\Library\\Class::methodCall()",
'abs_path' => '/full/path/to/file.php',
'filename' => 'file.php',
'lineno' => 30,
'library_frame' => false, // indicated whether this code is 'owned' by an (external) library or not
'vars' => [
'arg1' => 'value',
'arg2' => 'value2',
'pre_context' => [ // lines of code leading to the context line
'// executing query below',
'context_line' => '$result = mysql_query("select * from non_existing_table")', // source code of context line
'post_context' => [// lines of code after to the context line
'$table = $fakeTableBuilder->buildWithResult($result);',
'return $table;',
'context' => [
'db' => [
'instance' => 'my_database', // the database name
'statement' => 'select * from non_existing_table', // the query being executed
'type' => 'sql',
'user' => 'root', // the user executing the query (don't use root!)
// add the array of spans to the transaction
// Do some stuff you want to watch ...
// send our transactions to te apm
$trxName = 'Demo Simple Transaction';
$agent->startTransaction( $trxName );
// Do some stuff you want to watch ...
$agent->stopTransaction( $trxName );
$trxName = 'Demo Transaction with more Data';
$agent->startTransaction( $trxName );
// Do some stuff you want to watch ...
$agent->stopTransaction( $trxName, [
'result' => '200',
'type' => 'demo'
] );
$agent->getTransaction( $trxName )->setUserContext( [
'id' => 12345,
'email' => "",
] );
$agent->getTransaction( $trxName )->setCustomContext( [
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => [ 'foo1' => 'bar1', 'foo2' => 'bar2' ]
] );
$agent->getTransaction( $trxName )->setTags( [ 'k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2' ] );
This example illustrates how you can monitor a call to another web service.
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent( [ 'appName' => 'example' ] );
$endpoint = '';
$payload = [ 'foo' => 'bar' ];
$trxName = sprintf('POST %s', $endpoint);
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Start the Transaction
$agent->startTransaction( $trxName );
// Do the call via curl/Guzzle e.g.
$response = $client->request('POST', $endpoint, [
'json' => $payload
// Stop the Transaction tracing, attach the Status and the sent Payload
$agent->stopTransaction( $trxName, [
'status' => $response->getStatusCode(),
'payload' => $payload,
] );
// Send the collected Traces to the APM server
appName : Name of this application, Required
appVersion : Application version, Default: ''
serverUrl : APM Server Endpoint, Default: ''
secretToken : Secret token for APM Server, Default: null
hostname : Hostname to transmit to the APM Server, Default: gethostname()
active : Activate the APM Agent, Default: true
timeout : Guzzle Client timeout, Default: 5
apmVersion : APM Server Intake API version, Default: 'v1'
env : $_SERVER vars to send to the APM Server, empty set sends all. Keys are case sensitive, Default: []
cookies : Cookies to send to the APM Server, empty set sends all. Keys are case sensitive, Default: []
httpClient : Extended GuzzleHttp\Client Default: []
backtraceLimit: Depth of a transaction backtrace, Default: unlimited
Detailed GuzzleHttp\Client
options can be found here.
$config = [
'appName' => 'My WebApp',
'appVersion' => '1.0.42',
'serverUrl' => '',
'secretToken' => 'DKKbdsupZWEEzYd4LX34TyHF36vDKRJP',
'hostname' => '',
'cookies' => ['my-cookie'],
'httpClient' => [
'verify' => false,
'proxy' => 'tcp://localhost:8125'
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent($config);
In case you want to disable the agent dynamically for hybrid SAPI usage, please use the following snippet.
'active' => PHP_SAPI !== 'cli'
In case for the Laravel APM provider:
'active' => PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && env('ELASTIC_APM_ACTIVE', false)
Thank you to @jblotus, (philkra/elastic-apm-laravel#19)