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DEPRECATED see cerijs


To mask out the background when a dialog / modal or similar is opened, a overlay is needed.


  • singleton & z-index management to allow stacking
  • background doesn't move when scroll gets disabled

Used in


npm install --save-dev vue-overlay
// vue@1.0
npm install --save-dev vue-overlay@1

or include build/bundle.js.


overlay = require("vue-overlay")(Vue)
# or, when using bundle.js
overlay = window.vueComps.overlay

For examples see dev/. If you need to reliable get the Vue instance, see vue-mixins/vue

{zIndex, close} =

  • zIndex - the z-index of the opened overlay - will be raised by 5 for each overlay
  • close(callHooks=true) - shortcut for overlay.close(options,callHooks) - options will be the same instance used for opening
  • Options
Name type default description
opacity Number 0.5 opacity of the overlay
dismissable Boolean true is the overlay dismissable by click or ESC?
onBeforeOpen Function null hook before open animation
onOpened Function null hook after open animation
onBeforeClose Function null hook before close animation
onClosed Function null hook after close animation
allowScroll Boolean false don't set overflow:hidden on body
color String "black" background-color of the overlay
zIndex Number 1000 minimum zIndex for the new overlay, cannot be lower than 1000

overlay.close(options=lastOverlay, callHooks=true)

  • options the options object which was used to open a overlay
  • callHooks set to false to suppress the calls of onBeforeClose and onClosed of that overlay


overwrite to add a animation

  • el the div element of the overlay
  • opacity the target opacity of the opening/closing
  • cb a function which must be called when finished

vue-overlay is a singleton, so a fade function provided like this, will be used globally. Only do this once:

Velocity = require("velocity-animate")
Overlay = require("vue-overlay")
Overlay.obj.methods.fade = function ({el,opacity,cb}) {
  Velocity(el, {opacity: opacity}, {
    duration: 300,
    queue: false,
    easing: 'easeOutQuad',
    complete: cb


  • 2.0.0
    now compatible with vue 2.0.0


Clone repository

npm install
npm run dev

Browse to http://localhost:8080/.


Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.