a simple, responsive select - crazily extendable.
for a styled / animated version see vue-materialize
npm install --save-dev vue-simple-select
or include build/bundle.js
# in your component
"simple-select": require("vue-simple-select")
"simple-option": require("vue-simple-select/option")
# or, when using bundle.js
"simple-select": window.vueComps.select
"simple-option": window.vueComps.selectOption
<simple-select :value="value" @input="onInput">
<simple-option value="1">option 1/<simple-option>
<simple-option value="2">option 2</simple-option>
see dev/
for examples.
Name | type | default | description |
value | - | - | active value |
placeholder | String | - | is shown, when no value is set |
disabled | Boolean | false | disables the select |
multiple | Boolean | false | allows to select multiple options |
small-screen-size | Number | 600 | below this size the dialog opens as a modal |
always-dropdown | Boolean | false | always opens as a dropdown |
always-modal | Boolean | false | always opens as a modal |
is-opened | Boolean | false | (two-way) set to open / close |
unsafe | Boolean | false | used in conjuction with coerce function. Allows you to use html output. (see unsafe / coerce usage) |
dropdown-transition | String | - | name of vue transition used for dropdown |
modal-transition | String | - | name of vue transition used for modal |
match | Function(str:String, child:OptionComponent) | Search in the textContent of $el of child |
used for matching, when letters are pressed |
coerce | Function(value:Obj/[Obj]) | joining Arrays | used for converting value to displayed string. Argument is an array of values for multiple and a single value vor !multiple |
overlay | Boolean | false | dropdown prop (see vue-comps-dropdown ) |
onBody | Boolean | false | dropdown prop (see vue-comps-dropdown ) |
Name | description |
before-enter | will be called before open animation |
after-enter | will be called when opened |
before-leave | will be called before close animation |
after-leave | will be called when closed |
toggled(isOpened:Boolean) | emitted when gets opened or closed. Alternative to use two-way is-opened prop |
input(value) | emitted when value changes |
see vue-comps-dropdown and vue-comps-modal
The select is lazily evaluated on first click - this means it doesn't know about its dialog. This has the advantage, that you can use many selects simultaneously even with expensive dialogs with for example search bars. The drawback is that the displayed value of the select has to be calculated somehow. The default for static options is basically this:
For the example
<simple-option value="1">option 1/<simple-option>
<simple-option value="2">option 2</simple-option>
this would yield option 1
for val=1
If you however want to use dynamic values - this doesn't work
<simple-select :value="someKey">
<simple-option v-for="(key,val) in possibleValues" :value="key">{{val}}<simple-option>
It would make it necessary to evaluate the content of the slot on first display.
To avoid this you can provide a coerce
function to convert a value to a string:
<simple-select :value="someKey" :coerce="keyToVal">
<simple-option v-for="(key,val) in possibleValues" :value="key">{{val}}<simple-option>
methods: {
keyToVal: function(someKey) {
return this.possibleValues[someKey]
If you want to create something like select2
you need your selection as tags. You can create html code within your coerce
<simple-select multiple unsafe :coerce="valToTags">
<simple-option v-for="tag in possibleTags" :value="tag"><simple-option>
methods: {
valToTags: function(selectedTags) {
str = ""
for (i = 0,len = selectedTags.length; i < len; i++) {
str += "<span class='tag'>"+selectedTags[i]+"</span>"
return str
You can freely create the select dialog you need. For example with a simple searchbar:
<simple-select @before-enter="reset" v-ref:select>
<input type="search" v-bind:value.sync="search" @keyup="onKeyup" @input="onInput"></input>
<simple-option :value="opt" v-for="opt in foundData" track-by="$index"><simple-option>
foundData: function() {
return @searchData unless @search
for d in @searchData
if @search == d
return [d]
return []
data: {
search: ""
searchData: ["a","b","c","d","e"]
methods: {
reset: function() {
this.search = ""
onKeyup: function(e) {
// overwrite custom behavior of the select on certain keys like space and side arrows
keys = [9,13,27,38,40]
e.preventDefault() if keys.indexOf(e.which) == -1
onInput: function() {
- 1.0.1
evaluation for static content
Clone repository.
npm install
npm run dev
Browse to http://localhost:8080/
Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.