Source code for the Build A Professional Vue App with Vuex & Server-Side Rendering.
See the completed project here:
- Ensure Node.js >=5.10, NPM and git are installed on your system
Install this code on your local system
Fork this repository (click 'Fork' button in top right corner)
Clone the forked repository on your local file system
cd /path/to/install/location git clone[your_username]/vuejs-calendar.git
Change into directory
cd vuejs-calendar
Install dependencies
cd vuejs-calendar npm install
Create a
file by copying the samplecp .env_sample .env
Edit the .env file and replace any variables if needed
Start project
npm run start
Your site will be available at localhost:[PORT] where PORT
is whatever value is set in your .env
Support Vue.js Developers to get your logo here.
Each branch of of the repo shows the state of the code at the end of any particular video e.g. video/06
shows the state at the end of video 6.
If you want the initial state of the code, use the master
If you're doing the Vue.js Essentials - 3 Course Bundle course on Udemy, you'll need the following conversion table to match the branch to the lecture number.
Lecture # | Branch name |
121 | video/02 |
125 | video/06 |
126 | video/07 |
128 | video/09 |
129 | video/10 |
134 | video/15 |
136 | video/17 |
137 | video/18 |
138 | video/19 |
139 | video/20 |
141 | video/22 |
142 | video/23 |
144 | video/25 |
148 | video/29 |
149 | video/30 |
150 | video/31 |
151 | video/32 |
152 | video/33 |
155 | video/36 |
157 | video/38 |
158 | video/39 |
162 | video/43 |
164 | video/45 |
167 | video/48 |
169 | video/50 |
172 | video/53 |
173 | video/54 |
175 | video/56 |